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Do 05. Dez 14:40 - Wie das Cora Cora Maldives die Riffe rettet
Travelnews - Schweiz
Das Cora Cora Maldives Resort verbindet Luxusferien mit aktivem Umweltschutz: Mit seinem innovativen Korallen-Restaurationsprogramm s...

Do 05. Dez 14:35 - Keine Lust auf graue Tage? Das sind die besten Badeziele im Dezember
Focus - Deutschland
Palmen statt 'Oh Tannenbaum' ... 1. Sansibar ... 3. Malediven: Trauminseln im Indischen Ozean: Traum? Reiseprospekt? Fotomontage? K...

Mi 04. Dez 14:40 - Unerwartete Hitze-Hotspots nehmen zu - auch in Deutschland - Deutschland
Weltweit treten Hitze-Hotspots mit Extremtemperaturen auf ... Mangroven auf den Malediven 'ertrinken' durch steigende Meeresspiegel. Ma...

Di 03. Dez 18:15 - Malediven: Hai beißt Frau bei Tauchgang - die nimmt es mit Humor
Stern - Deutschland
Diese Frau taucht inmitten von Ammenhaien. Videoaufnahmen dokumentieren, wie eines der Tiere nach ihr schnappt. Doch die Brasilianer...

Mo 02. Dez 15:15 - Neue Luxus-Resorts auf den Malediven
Tophotel - Deutschland
Six & Six eröffnet 2025 und 2026 ihre ersten beiden Resorts im Süd-Malé-Atoll. Mit einem innovativen Konzept aus personalisiertem Luxus...

Mo 02. Dez 15:10 - Malediven zum grünsten Reiseziel der Welt gekürt
Inar - Deutschland
Der Inselstaat ist bei den World Travel Awards (WTA) erneut zum weltweit führenden Reiseziel gekürt worden, bereits zum fünften Mal in Fo...

Mo 02. Dez 15:05 - Malediven: Sun Siyam Resorts mit 24-Stunden-All-inclusive
Counter vor 9 - Deutschland
Sun Siyam Resorts, bekannt für erschwinglichen Luxus auf den Malediven, heben das All-inclusive-Erlebnis auf ein neues Level. Als erste H...

So 1. Dez 16:45 - Pro-China-Partei gewinnt Parlamentswahl auf den Malediven
Laut vorläufigen Resultaten der Wahlkommission holt sich die Partei des prochinesischen Präsidenten mehr als zwei Drittel der Sitze. Was d...

Sa 30. Nov 13:45 - Hai 'küsst' Taucherin: Schockmoment auf den Malediven
Ein Hai-Kuss der besonderen Art - auf den Malediven wird eine Taucherin zur unfreiwilligen Hauptdarstellerin eines spektakulären Unterwas...

Fr 29. Nov 14:25 - Six & Six Private Islands: Neue Hotelgruppe auf den Malediven
tip-online - Österreich
Die neu gegründete Gruppe plane aktuell 6 Resorts in 6 Jahren auf den Malediven. Die ersten beiden sollen 2025 und 2026 im Süd-Malé-...

Fr 29. Nov 14:20 - Hai beisst Taucher in den Kopf
Blick - Schweiz
Die Malediven sind vor allem als Traumdestination für Ferien bekannt. Aber: Sie sind auch Reiseziel für den Hai-Tourismus. Dass ein Zusa...

Do 28. Nov 14:55 - Wo Glühwürmchen einen Tauchgang machen
Kleine Zeitung - Österreich
Es gibt Nächte auf den Malediven, da leuchtet das Meer heller als die Sterne. 'Sea of Stars' nennt sich das Naturphänomen. Als wären die...

Do 28. Nov 14:50 - Ab Sonntag werden die Malediven noch teurer
investrends - Schweiz
Die Malediven, das Inbegriff von Luxusferien, werden noch teurer: Mit drastisch erhöhten Abreisegebühren setzt der Inselstaat auf sprudelnd...

Mi 27. Nov 14:35 - Zu gewinnen gibt es eine Reise auf die Malediven in Lidl-Filialen
Made in Vilnius - Lithuania
Auch für seine treuesten Kunden hat die Billig-Einkaufskette Geschenke vorbereitet ... eine exotische Reise auf die Malediven inmitten des...

Mi 27. Nov 14:30 - Vom Luxus-Resort-Leben im einsamen Inselparadies
about Travel - Schweiz
Der Schweizer Jan Tibaldi ist General Manager des Luxus-Resort One&Only Reethi Rah auf den Malediven und erzählt TRAVEL INSIDE v...

Di 26. Nov 14:00 - Reise ins Paradies
Westdeutsche Zeitung - Deutschland
Die Malediven gelten als eines der begehrtesten Reiseziele der Welt - und das aus gutem Grund. Das Paradies im Indischen Ozean bietet ...

Di 26. Nov 13:55 - Beond gewinnt in der Schweiz an Höhe
Travelnews - Schweiz
Die Premium-Airline Beond etabliert sich zunehmend im Schweizer Markt ... Die maledivische Premium-Airline Beond feiert ihren ersten G...

So 24. Nov 14:05 - Maledivischer Minister: Wir sollten unsere Bemühungen im Kampf gegen Klimawandel...
Azertag - Azerbaijan
Die COP29 ist ein entscheidendes Ereignis sowohl für Aserbaidschan als auch für die ganze Welt ... sagte Thoriq Ibrahim, maledivischer Mi...

Sa 23. Nov 14:35 - Mangroven auf den Malediven fallen Klimakrise zum Opfer
watson - Deutschland
Die Klimakrise schreitet stetig fort ... Auch auf den Malediven, einem der beliebtesten Ziele für Wellnessurlaub am Strand und unter Palme...

Fr 22. Nov 14:35 - Meeresspiegelanstieg und Klimawandel: Mangroven als erste Opfer auf den Malediven
Tagesspiegel - Deutschland
Ein Klimaphänomen führt zum Mangrovensterben auf den Malediven. Ist das ein Vorgeschmack auf weitere Auswirkungen der Erderwärmu...

Do 21. Nov 15:10 - Klimawandel: Waldsterben auf den Malediven: Mangrovenbäume ertrinken im Ozean
GEO - Deutschland
Ein Klimaphänomen führt zu einem Mangrovensterben auf den Malediven. Ist das ein Vorgeschmack auf weitere Auswirkungen der Erderw...

Do 21. Nov 15:05 - Luxus-Bubble Malediven: Hier kommen nicht mal Mücken rein
Blick - Schweiz
Sand wie Puderzucker, türkisblaues Meer: Die Malediven gelten als Sehnsuchtsdestination – insbesondere für Reisende aus der Schweiz. U...

Mi 20. Nov 14:10 - Beond 2025: Airline plant ganzjährige Flüge ab München
Nau - Schweiz
Die Fluggesellschaft Beond plant, München ab 2025 ganzjährig in ihre Flugroute aufzunehmen ... direkt zu den Malediven. Das erste Jahr ...

Mi 20. Nov 14:05 - Mausi schafft Lugner-Tradition jetzt endgültig ab
Heute - Österreich
Jahr für Jahr ging es für Richard Lugner und seine Liebsten nach dem Heiligen Abend auf die Malediven, doch heuer ist alles anders. Es w...

Di 19. Nov 13:50 - Hier kommen nicht mal Mücken rein
Blick - Schweiz
Sand wie Puderzucker, türkisblaues Meer: Die Malediven gelten als Sehnsuchtsdestination - insbesondere für Reisende aus der Schweiz. Un...

Mo 18. Nov 14:45 - Entdecken Sie die schönsten Sonnenziele dieses Winters
Nau - Schweiz
Sie wollen dem Winter entfliehen? Dann verreisen Sie mit TUI an die ... Malediven: Eine Auszeit im Paradies: Die Malediven wiederum of...

So 17. Nov 14:50 - Malediven verbieten E-Zigaretten und Tabak: Was Urlauber wissen müssen
Merkur - Deutschland
Die Malediven haben ein Importverbot für E-Zigaretten und Tabak erlassen ... Zigaretten dürfen seit dem 1. November 2024 nicht mehr zol...

Sa 16. Nov 14:05 - Davis Cup? Zverev zeigt seine Buchung auf den Malediven
Süddeutsche Zeitung - Deutschland
Mit Alexander Zverev wäre das deutsche Davis-Cup-Team bei der Endrunde stärker ... Dann habe ich ihm meine Buchung auf den Malediv...

Fr 15. Nov 14:05 - Malediven verschärfen Gesetz zur Bekämpfung des Tabakkonsums
Aerzteblatt - Deutschland
Die maledivische Regierung hat ihr Gesetz zur Bekämpfung des ... Tabakprodukte, inklusive Zigaretten, Zigarren und Zubehör wie E-Zigare...

Do 14. Nov 14:35 - Eine für alle - wenn das Timing stimmt
Tauchen - Deutschland
Die Malediven-Resortinsel Rannalhi macht alle glücklich. Ein Dorado für Familien, Flatrate-Taucher und Tauchbeginner Aber: Das Timing...

Do 14. Nov 14:30 - Malediven verlieren viel Mangrovenwald
Deutschlandfunk Nova - Deutschland
Mangrovenwälder schützen Küsten bei Überschwemmungen ... Auf den Malediven haben Forschende jetzt Hinweise darauf gefunden, dass...

Mi 13. Nov 14:30 - Auswärtiges Amt warnt vor Tabak- und E-Zigaretten-Verbot in Urlaubsparadies ...
Frankfurter Rundschau - Deutschland
Die Malediven haben ein striktes Importverbot für Tabak und E-Zigaretten erlassen. Deutsche Urlauber sollten sich vor ihrer Reise genau inf...

Di 12. Nov 14:%0 - Cora Cora Maldives vereint Luxus und Nachhaltigkeit
fvw - Deutschland
Schützenswertes Paradies: Das Resort Cora Cora Maldives erhielt zuvor eine Zertifizierung für sein Nachhaltigkeitskonzept. Das Cora Cora M...

Di 12. Nov 14:45 - Keine E-Zigaretten und Buddha-Statuen mehr erlaubt
fvw - Deutschland
Wer die Malediven bereisen will, muss E-Zigaretten sowie Tabak und anderes Raucherzubehör künftig zu Hause lassen. Dasselbe gilt für Bu...

Di 12. Nov 14:40 - Malediven bereitet sich auf Siege in bevorstehenden Freundschaftsspielen vor
FootBoom - USA
Die Nationalmannschaft der Malediven landete am Montag in Dhaka und bereitet sich auf zwei wichtige FIFA-Testspiele gegen Banglades...

Mo 11. Non 13:45 - Beliebtes Reiseziel verbietet E-Zigaretten + Tabak - Auswärtiges Amt warnt Urlauber
SauerlandKurier - Deutschland
Urlauber aufgepasst: Ein Importverbot für E-Zigaretten und Tabak tritt in Kraft ... eine Reise in Richtung Malediven planen, sollten aufpasse...

Mo 11. Nov 13:40 - Stillstand beim Klimaschutz kann sich die Welt nicht leisten
Neue Westfälische - Deutschland
Kanzler Olaf Scholz hat seine Teilnahme an der Weltklimakonferenz abgesag ... Ganz oben auf der Liste stehen die Malediven, bevor sie ...

Mo 11. Nov 13:35 - Klimawandel: Inselstaaten gehen langsam unter
Pressetext - Österreich
Fast 20 Prozent der Einwohner der sogenannten SIDS sind heute bereits von den Folgen betroffen ... die Caicosinseln sowie die Malediven.

Sa 09. Nov 13:45 - Die beste Reisezeit für die Malediven ist JETZT! Elle verschenkt Luxusurlaub für zwei
Elle - Deutschland
Im Wert von 10.000 Euro! Elle verlost in diesem Gewinnspiel einen Urlaub auf den Malediven für zwei Personen. Genießen Sie Luxus im I...

Sa 09. Nov 13:40 - Hier könnt ihr Mantas auf den Malediven begegnen!
reisen exclusiv - Deutschland
Nirgendwo auf der Welt stehen die Chancen so gut, einem Mantarochen zu begegnen, wie auf den Malediven. Wer diese majestätischen T...

Sa 09. Nov 13:35 - Diese 4 Restaurants sind so speziell, dass dein Essen kalt wird
Vom Wikingermahl bis zum Glasaugen-Kaviar ... Malediven: Beobachte Schildkröten und Haie. Die Malediven sind zwar eher für ihre Über...

Fr 08. Nov 13:50 - Sun Siyam führt neues 24-Stunden-All-Inclusive-Konzept ein
tip-online - Österreich
Sun Siyam Resorts bieten ab sofort als erste Hotelgruppe in den Malediven einen 24-Stunden-All-Inclusive-Service auf allen fünf Resort-Ins...

Do 07. Nov 15:05 - Tiefenentspannung durch neue Massagetechnik im The Ritz-Carlton ... Fari Islands
Presseportal - Deutschland
The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands bietet seinen Gästen ab Dezember. eine neue Massagetechnik, die die alte Kunst der Barfußmassag...

Mi 06. Nov 14:45 - Timur Ülker: Romantischer Antrag auf den Malediven
Kronwn Zeitung - Österreich
TV-Star Timur Ülker (bekannt aus 'GZSZ' und 'Let’s Dance') ... machte er ihr jetzt auf den Malediven den Antrag, von dem sie schon so lang...


Please excuse, that I don't had enough time every day, to search news about the Maldives

Koch-Videos - Cooking videos - Video di cucina     HANDPICKET MALDIVES NEWS OF THE MONTH    Sprache     Lingua    Koch-Videos - Cooking videos - Video di cucina

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Thu 05. Dec 14:30 - Sweet start to festive season at Canareef Resort Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
As the festive season shines brightly at Canareef Resort Maldives, a heartwarming tradition brings together guests and staff alike in the spirit...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Sweet start to festive season at Canareef Resort Maldives

Thu 05. Dec 14:25 - HDC to resume Hulhumale' water theme park development
Avas - Maldives
The Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has announced plans to resume the development of the Hulhumale' Water Theme Park. HDC...

Thu 05. Dec 14:20 - Germany, Italy, USA, France, Spain and Switzerland Tourists visit Maldives more
The Maldives, an idyllic tropical destination renowned for its crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and luxurious resorts, is experiencing...

Thu 05. Dec 14:15 - Ozen Reserve Bolifushi: Waking up to a Maldivian dream at this idyllic island resort
Lifestyle Asia - USA
By marrying Maldivian hospitality with breathtaking accommodations — Ozen Reserve Bolifushi ensures guests coast through their luxurious...

Thu 05.Dec 14:10 - JOALI Maldives Wins Prestigious 2024 Global Recognition Award
Business Insider - USA
JOALI Maldives has received the 2024 Global Recognition Award for luxury hospitality, sustainability, and innovative design. Located on M...

Thu 05. Dec 14:05 - Snorkeler bitten by shark in Maldives; Social media says, ’just a reminder ...'
mint - USA
Travel influencer and scuba diver Lilian Tagliari’s close encounter with a nurse shark in the Maldives has generated widespread reactions o...

Thu 05. Dec 14:00 - Carruthers leads sea level rise research in the Maldives
An East Carolina University researcher is part of a groundbreaking study ... have led to some Maldivian Islands losing over half of their mang...

Thu 05. Dec 13:55 - It’s expensive to visit the Maldives. Now it’s more expensive to leave, too
Aol - USA
The Maldives, with its sprawling white sand beaches and dazzling coral reefs, is one of the worlds most expensive holiday destinations. Now...

Wed 04. Dec 14:35 - Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives receives Wellness Heaven Award 2026 nominations
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives has announced its nomination for the prestigious Wellness Heaven Award 2026 in the Wellness & Spa categ...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Kuda Villingili Spa Resort Maldives

Wed 04. Dec 14:30 - A Sweet Start to the Festive Season at Canareef Resort Maldives
VisitMaldives - Maldives
As the festive season shines brightly at Canareef Resort Maldives, a heartwarming tradition brings together guests and staff alike in the spiri...

Wed 04. Dec 14:25 - The St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort achives Green Globe Certification ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
The St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort is proud to announce that it has been awarded the prestigious Green Globe Certificate, world's lead...

Wed 04. Dec 14:20 - Maldives showcases luxury Tourism at ILTM Cannes 2024
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
The Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) is showcasing the Maldives’ luxury travel offerings at the International ...

Wed 04. Dec 14:15 - These two Club Med Maldives resorts offer luxury tailored experiences
Prestige online - USA
With its white sands, turquoise lagoons, and the deep blue hues of the Indian Ocean everywhere you look, the Maldives is a one-of-a-kind v...

Wed 04. Dec 14:10 - Best Places to Dive in January
Scuba Travel - UK
Planning your January trip? There are loads of fantastic places ... 1. Manta Madness in the Maldives: January is a great time of year to visi ...

Wed 04. Dec 14:05 - Striking drone image of young sharks hunting fish wins photo competition
This year’s overall winning photo, 'The hunt from above' ... attacked by sharks in the shallow waters of the Maldives, which has claimed the t...

Wed 04. Dec 14:00 - Maldives crowned ‘World’s Leading Green Destination’ at 2024 World Travel Awards
Travel Trade Journal - India
The Maldives has been named the World’s Leading Green Destination at the prestigious World Travel Awards 2024, a testament to the Mal...

Wed 04. Dec 13:55 - Your ultimate guide to VARU by Atmosphere
Cosmopolitan - USA
Tempted by the intimate resort in the Maldives? Here's what you need to know. Let us set the scene: You’ve just woken up in fresh white she...

Tue 03. Dec 18:10 - Dream island getaway at Cinnamon Hakuraa Huraa Maldives to locals, expats
Maldives Insider - Maldives
This December, immerse yourself at Cinnamon Hakuraa Huraa Maldives where the turquoise lagoon and white sandy beaches create the pe...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  Dream island getaway at Cinnamon Hakuraa Huraa Maldives

Tue 03. Dec 18:05 - Villa Resorts partners with Mohamed Al Geziry Consultancy to expand GCC presence
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Villa Resorts has appointed Mohamed Al Geziry Consultancy as its Sales Representative for the GCC region, emphasising the company’s co...

Tue 03. Dec 18:00 - JOALI BEING hosts inspirational tennis workshops with Sascha Zverev ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
JOALI BEING, the luxury wellness retreat in the Maldives, hosted a tennis workshop on November 25, 2024, in partnership with the Alexand...

Tue 03. Dec 17:55 - The Nautilus Maldives announces Padel Masterclass with Denise Hoefer ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
As part of its Masters for Masters series, The Nautilus Maldives, the award-winning ultra-luxury private island hideaway is delighted to host D...

Tue 03. Dec 17:50 - Soneva Namoona and Local Island Councils celebrate Six Years of Transformative ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Soneva Namoona, a local NGO pioneering innovative waste management solutions, and representatives from eleven councils from Baa an...

Tue 03. Dec 17:45 - Veligandu Maldives Resort Island opens
TTN Worldwide - Bahrain
Crown and Champa Resorts (CCR) has expanded its presence in the luxury space with its latest opening, Veligandu Maldives Resort Island i...

Tue 03. Dec 17:40 - Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort unveils fully refurbished Over Water Villas ...
With the Maldives being just a four-hour flight away, what reason have you got to say no to this luxury? Set on a stunning natural island in t...

Tue 03. Dec 17:35 - 8 Best Things To Experience In The Maldives
Times Now - USA
The Maldives is an exotic paradise known for its crystal-clear waters pristine beaches, and rich marine life. Whether you are seeking adventu...

Tue 03. Dec 17:30 - Seclusion, serenity and plenty of sea: Welcome to the Maldives’ latest Secret
CNA Luxury - Singapore
Private chef dining, two butlers per villa and manta ray sightings make for memorable holidays at the ultra-remote Soneva Secret. Seclusio...

Mon 02. Dec 15:00 - Year of excellence: Ifuru Island Maldives shines as global luxury destination
Maldives Insider - Maldives
1. December 2024 marks a significant milestone for Ifuru Island Maldives as the resort celebrates its first anniversary. Over the past year this ...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Ifuru Island Maldives

Mon 02. Dec 14:55 - Maldives: The new haven for over-55 travelers
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The Maldives has solidified its position as a premier destination for international travelers over the age of 55 with a staggering 257% increa...

Mon 02. Dec 14:50 - Kurumba Maldives, Marvin Humes ring in 2025 with exclusive beachfront DJ set
Maldives Insider - Maldives
This New Year’s Eve, Kurumba Maldives is set to welcome DJ, producer, and broadcaster, Marvin Humes for an unforgettable party and DJ s...

Mon 02. Dec 14:45 - Celebrate the Festive Season with Michelin-Starred ... at Jumeirah Olhahali Island
VisitMaldives - Maldives
From 29. December 2024 to 02 January 2025, Jumeirah Olhahali Island invites guests to create lasting memories with an exclusive chef po...

Mon 02. Dec 14:40 - Saving Paradise, One Battery and Pollinator at a Time - Ellaidhoo Maldives Cinnamon
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Ellaidhoo Maldives' by Cinnamon is redefining sustainable tourism with initiatives that protect its environment and empower guests to play ...

Mon 02. Dec 14:35 - Dusit Thani Maldives celebrates Thanksgiving with an exclusive Wellness Offer
VisitMaldives - Maldives
The perfect day to indulge in ultimate relaxation - limited time offer! Dusit Thani Maldives, renowned for its unparalleled luxury and Thai-i...

Mon 02. Dec 14:30 - India's smog reaches Maldives
The Edition - Maldives
IQAir indicates that this afternoon, Maldives' air quality is at 96, which is a moderate level. However, ViliMale', just a ten minute boat ride a...
courtesy The Edition - Indias smog reaches Maldives

Mon 02. Dec 14:25 - Soneva opens sea turtle rehabilitation centre in the Maldives
Karryon - Australia
Soneva and non-profit charity, Olive Ridley Project, have opened a new sea turtle rehabilitation centre at Soneva Jani in the Maldives. Th...

Mon 02. Dec 14:20 - Hard Rock Hotel Maldives
American Express - USA
Musical Maldives resort. Set amongst the turquoise waters of Emboodhoo Lagoon in the Indian Ocean, the Hard Rock Hotel Maldives is the...

Mon 02. Dec 14:15 - It’s About to Get More Expensive to Visit the Maldives
Insidehook - USA
Some new fees just went into effect ... When you look at photos of the clear water and stunning beaches of the Maldives, it’s not hard to see...

Mon 02. Dec 14:10 - SIX & SIX to Launch Six Maldives Resorts in Six Years
Business News This Week - India
SIX & SIX PRIVATE ISLANDS is poised to transform hospitality in the Maldives. Co-founder & CEO Laith Pharaon has launched the compa...

Mon 02. Dec 14:05 - Don’t be fooled by boastful Instagram pictures of the Maldives
mansworld - USA
If you’ve never been to the Maldives but doomscrolled images and reels of friends who may have, you’ve probably accrued a few things: it’s...

Sun 01. Dec 16:40 - Mercure Maldives Kooddoo collaborates with MaRHE Centre on dolphin conservation
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Mercure Maldives Kooddoo Resort has announced a groundbreaking collaboration with the MaRHE Centre of the University of Milano-Bicoc...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  Jumping Dolphins

Sun 01. Dec 16:35 - Banyan Trees 30th anniversary: Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru invites ... barefoot eco-luxury
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru joins the global celebration of the 30th anniversary celebrations of Banyan Tree, the flagship brand of Banyan Gr...

Sun 01. Dec 16:30 - CROSSROADS Maldives Introduces Russian Ruble Payment Option
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
CROSSROADS Maldives, the premier integrated multi-island leisure destination of the Maldives, launches HotelPay, a cutting-edge payme...

Sun 01. Dec 16:25 - MPL plans cruise liner terminals in four locations across Maldives
Avas - Maldives
Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) has announced plans to develop cruise liner terminals in four areas across the Maldives. MPL's Research and ...

Sun 01. Dec 16:20 - New Maldives resort offers 'edible chocolate' spa for kids
Lancashire Telegraph - UK
A new, luxury Maldives resort boasts the 'ultimate experience for kids' - a candy spa ... The Centara Mirage Lagoon Resort, located in the N...

Sun 01. Dec 16:15 - Chinese tourist survives shark attack in Maldives after illegal baiting
Dimsum Daily - Hongkong
1st December 2024 – (Malé) A Chinese tourist experienced a harrowing encounter while diving near Hulhumale in the Maldives when a tig...

Sun 01. Dec 16:10 - The stunning tropical islands where it's now more expensive to leave than stay
Express - UK
The Maldives has become one of the world's most luxurious tourist destinations, but it is also one of the most expensive places to travel to. ...

Sat 30. Nov 13:40 - Reconnect with nature: freediving adventures at One&Only Reethi Rah
Maldives Insider - Maldives
One&Only Reethi Rah in the Maldives' now provides year-round freediving courses led by PADI-certified instructors. Guests can explore the ...

Sat 30. Nov 13:35 - Discover Maldives’ underwater wonders: Sun Diving website now live
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sun Siyam Resorts has unveiled Sun Diving, an innovative new diving website, during a vibrant two-day event held at Sun Siyam Olhuveli...

Sat 30. Nov 13:30 - HotelPay launches at CROSSROADS Maldives ... stays for Russian and CIS visitors
Maldives Insider - Maldives
CROSSROADS Maldives, the renowned integrated multi-island leisure destination in the Maldives has introduced HotelPay, an innovative ...

Sat 30. Nov 13:25 - Ministry takes control of sand used for Hankede project; Nizar ... ‘illegal’ decision
Sun Online - Maldives
Infrastructure Ministry has taken possession of the sand used for the Hankede bridge project - a decision that the Addu City Mayor Ali Nizar d...

Sat 30. Nov 13:20 - Air quality in Maldives region reaches dangerous levels
One online - Maldives
The air quality in the Maldives region has reached dangerous levels. According to information revealed by the Air Quality Index (AQI), whic...

Sat 30. Nov 13:15 - MET Office warns against sea travel amid rough weather
Avas - Maldives
The national weather service, Maldives Meteorological Service (MET Office) has issued a warning against sea travel due to adverse weathe...

Sat 30. Nov 13:10 - Where Nature meets Opulence: The St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort
Forbes - USA
Paradise Found: A luxurious private island resort in the Maldives where pristine beaches and abundant nature meet world-class service, offe...

Sat 30. Nov 13:05 - 7 Luxe Resorts That Take Overwater Design to the Next Level
Sharp Magazine - uSA
No wonder there are so many opulent overwater suites in honeymoon hot spots such as ... Soneva Jani, Maldives: Set at the north end of th...

Sat 30. Nov 13:00 - Traveling to the Maldives just got more expensive
Gate checked - USA
Planning to travel to the Maldives? You may end up spending up to an additional $720 in taxes on flights booked from December 1, 2024 ...

Sat 30. Nov 12:55 - Vakkaru Maldives welcomes Teddy Susanto Wiryawan as GM
TTG Media - USA
Teddy brings over 20 years of distinguished luxury hospitality expertise to one of the Maldives’ most beautiful island resorts. Vakkaru Maldiv...

Fri 29. Nov 14:15 - Jumeirah Olhahali Island partners with L’Olivo for Mediterranean gastronomic journey
Maldives Insider - Maldives
From December 29, 2024, to January 2, 2025, Jumeirah Olhahali Island will host an exclusive chef pop-up at Shimmers, its all-day Greek a...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  Jumeirah Olhahali Island

Fri 29. Nov 14:10 - Strong winds, heavy rain expected in some parts this weekend
Raajje - Maldives
The Maldives Meteorological Service (MMS) has revealed that heavy rainfall and strong winds are expected in some parts of the Maldives t...

Fri 29. Nov 14:05 - Former President Nasheed honored with the Global Citizen Award
The Edition - Maldives
Former President Mohamed Nasheed, who also earlier served as Speaker of Parliament, has been announced as the recipient of the 2024 ...

Fri 29. Nov 14:00 - From underwater villas to private islands, discover Maldives most luxurious resorts
Tatler Asia - USA
There’s luxe–and then there’s super luxe. These stunning Maldivian resorts transcend the ordinary, offering unique experiences that combin...

Fri 29. Nov 13:55 - These Two Club Med Maldives Resorts Offer Guests Luxury Tailored Experiences
Prestige - USA
With its white sands, turquoise lagoons, and the deep blue hues of the Indian Ocean everywhere you look, the Maldives is a one-of-a-kind v...

Fri 29. Nov 13:50 - Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort, “It lived up to the dream and then some!
The AU Review - USA
There’s no shortage of amazing five-star luxury resorts in the Maldives, but few offer an experience quite like the Anantara Dhigu Maldives ...

Fri 29. Nov 13:45 - Maldives shark attack: Shocking video shows tiger shark trying to bite off diver’s head
The Nightly - Australia
A diver in the Maldives has had a miraculous escape after almost getting her head bitten off by a shark.The terrifying moment a shark tried t...

Thu 28. Nov 14:45 - Madifushi Private Island: Sustaining Nature through Coconut Palm Planting ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Madifushi Private Island has embarked on an ambitious Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative to plant 5,000 coconut palms acro...
courtesy VisitMaldives - The Madifushi Private Island Coconut Palms plant Team

Thu 28. Nov 14:40 - Rejuvenate and relax: Thanksgiving wellness experience at Dusit Thani Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Dusit Thani Maldives, celebrated for its unmatched luxury and Thai-inspired hospitality, extends an invitation to guests to begin the holiday...

Thu 28. Nov 14:35 - Indian cricketer Suresh Raina celebrates birthday at Cocoon Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Indian cricket star Suresh Raina recently celebrated his birthday in style at Cocoon Maldives, a luxury resort nestled in the pristine waters of ...

Thu 28. Nov 14:30 - Coca-Cola and MAWC: Responsible business partner for Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Ahmed Rasheed and his fellow students from K. Thulusdhoo Island School love football. Several days a week, after school, they gather at t...

Thu 28. Nov 14:25 - Joali Being offers luxury villas for sale
Avas - Maldives
Joali Being has introduced an opportunity to own the resort's luxury villas. Joali Resort, a high-end resort located 40 minutes away from Vel...

Thu 28. Nov 14:20 - Seaplane Services to Take Off at Hanimaadhoo International Airport, Says MACL
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) has unveiled plans to introduce seaplane services at Hanimaadhoo International Airport as part...
courtesy Corporate Maldives - The Hanimadhoo Airport

Thu 28. Nov 14:15 - A trip to Maldives is likely to pinch your pocket more from December. Here's why
MoneyControl - USA
According to the latest statistics published by the Maldivian Tourism Ministry, as of October 22, there were a total of 16,08,953 international...

Thu 28. Nov 14:10 - Patina Maldives + Paris Island in North Male Atoll, the northernmost part of Maldives
Maeil Business Newspaper - South Korea
Patina Maldives and Paris Island in North Male Atoll the northernmost part of the Maldives, will hold a festival at the end of the year. Patin...

Thu 28. Nov 14:05 - Addicted to Maldives partners with Envoyage - Travel Weekly
Travel Weekly - Australia
Addicted to Maldives, a luxury travel specialist under Travel Addiction Group has partnered with Envoyage to deliver an iconic Maldivian e...

Thu 28. Nov 14:00 - It’s expensive to visit the Maldives. Now it’s more expensive to leave, too
The Maldives, with its sprawling white sand beaches and dazzling coral reefs is one of the world’s most expensive holiday destinations. Now...

Thu 28. Nov 13:55 - Maldives set to increase air passenger departure tax by up to 400% from December
travel tomorrow - Belgium
Visitors to the Maldives will find they are being charged more their trip from 1 December after authorities in the Indian Ocean destination u...

Thu 28. Nov 13:50 - Reem Shaikh’s beach look from Maldives vacay proves why black is always in style
Pinkvilla - USA
Actress Reem Shaikh served some stunning beach looks from her recent vacation in the Maldives. Let's check out her latest look below. Pop...

Wed 27. Nov 14:25 - Holistic healing awaits: Dr. Dinesh Singh at Ifuru Island Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Ifuru Island Maldives has announced the arrival of Dr. Dinesh Singh, a renowned expert in holistic wellness and Complementary and Altern...

Wed 27. Nov 14:20 - MMPRC Celebrates Achievements of Maldives at the World Travel Awards 2024 ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/ Visit Maldives) hosted a special event to celebrate the World Travel Awards...

Wed 27. Nov 14:15 - Man injured after being hit by a landing craft while out swimming
The Press - Maldives
A man has been injured after being hit by a landing craft while out swimming near Dharumavantha Hospital in Male'. MTCC staff spotted a...

Wed 27. Nov 14:10 - Dhigali Maldives hotel review: a family-focused resort that won’t break the bank
The Times - UK
This teardrop-shaped island impresses with its own reef, tropical gardens spa and array of activities ... of this Raa Atoll resort is the price, wh...

Wed 27. Nov 14:05 - A New Luxury Resort Embodies the Serenity of the Maldives
Robb Report - USA
A far-flung nation of more than a thousand islands in the Indian Ocean, the Maldives is known for the beauty of its sand-fringed atolls and t...

Wed 27. Nov 14:00 - It’s expensive to visit the Maldives. Now it’s more expensive to leave, too
Aol - USA
The Maldives, with its sprawling white sand beaches and dazzling coral reefs, is one of the world’s most expensive holiday destinations. No...

Wed 27. Nov 13:55 - Why You Should Solo Travel to the Maldives with Four Seasons
Tourism Breaking News - USA
With a rise in people seeking out deeper ... Four Seasons Resorts Maldives specializes in putting solo travellers in touch with mesmerizing o...

Wed 27. Nov 13:50 - Nurse shark bites Brazilian scuba diver in Maldives, netizens react ...
The Indian Express - USA
Underwater diving sure offers a thrilling experience, but the unpredictable nature of the oceans can make it challenging at times. Lilian Ta...

Wed 27. Nov 13:45 - Tiger bites diver’s head at Maldives Shark Tank
Divernet - UK
A Chinese diver wearing a brightly coloured novelty hood is reported to have been bitten on the back of the head by a tiger shark at a popu...

Wed 27. Nov 13:40 - Maldives Massively Hikes Airport Taxes, Up To $240 Per Passenger
One Mile at a Time - USA
The Maldives isn’t exactly known as a budget travel destination, but is instead known for its endless resorts with overwater villas. Well a vaca...

Tue 26. Nov 13:50 - Stars, space, and celebration: Sirru Fen Fushi’s Christmas with NASA astronauts
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sirru Fen Fushi - Private Lagoon Resort, situated in the pristine Shaviyani Atoll, is preparing to host a remarkable celestial celebration this ...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  Stars, space, and celebration: Sirru Fen Fushis Christmas with NASA Astronauts

Tue 26. Nov 13:45 - Ifuru Island Welcomes Dr. Dinesh Singh Renowned Visiting Wellness Practitioner
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Ifuru Island Maldives is thrilled to announce the arrival of Dr. Dinesh Singh, a distinguished expert in holistic wellness and Complementary ...

Tue 26. Nov 13:40 - Maldives Wins prestigious 9 Categories at the World Travel Awards 2024
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) is proud to announce that the Maldives has been awarded 9 prestigious categ...

Tue 26. Nov 13:35 - Bay of Bengal depression intensifies strong winds and rough seas to batter Maldives
Raajje - Maldives
The Maldives Meteorological Service has warned that the weather conditions across the entire Maldives will worsen over the next five days ...

Tue 26. Nov 13:30 - Tourist arrival numbers cross 1.8 mln
Avas - Maldives
The number of tourists visiting the Maldives this year has crossed 1.8 million. According to the Tourism Ministry, the number of tourists visiti...

Tue 26. Nov 13:25 - Environmental groups express concern over Addu City deforestation
The Edition - Maldives
Environmental groups have issued a joint statement calling on Addu City Council to stop its actions which have lead to significant deforesta...

Tue 26. Nov 13:20 - Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts Maldives announces Black Friday Deal
Newswires - USA
This Black Friday, Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts Maldives invites travellers to explore the breathtaking beauty of the Maldives with an excepti...

Tue 26. Nov 13:15 - It's one of the world's favourite honeymoon hotspots ... But the Maldives is more ...
Daily Mail - UK
Few fail to be charmed by the wonders of the Maldives, with its sparkling waters, rich marine life, tropical island interiors and plush hotels. N...

Tue 26. Nov 13:10 - Dive into Family Fun this UAE National Day at Patina Maldives, Fari Islands
Tourismag - Tunisia
Guests can celebrate the upcoming UAE National Day with family-filled excitement against the backdrop of the dazzling blue waters at Pat...

Tue 26. Nov 13:05 - Reset & Rejuvenate: End the Year with a Maldivian Wellness Getaway
HospiBuz - USA
Experience a transformative retreat in the Maldives this November 2024. Recharge your senses at Medhufushi Island Resort with holistic he...

Tue 26. Nov 13:00 - Flying to the Maldives Just Became More Expensive With Increased Airport Fees
Upgraded Points - USA
The Maldives is increasing taxes and fees on air departures imposing much greater costs on visitors to the popular Indian Ocean holiday de...

Mon 25. Nov 21:00 - Dusit Thani Maldives launches SALA, plant-powered dining experience
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Dusit Thani Maldives is enhancing its culinary offerings with the launch of SALA, a plant-based restaurant that showcases nutrient-rich dishe...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  Dusit Thani Maldives SALA Restaurant

Mon 25. Nov 20:55 - Veligandu Maldives unveils its five-star rebirth
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Crown & Champa Resorts (CCR) has announced the reopening of Veligandu Maldives Resort Island, unveiling its transformation into a five-...

Mon 25. Nov 20:50 - SAii Lagoon Maldives kicks off the Holidays with warmth and love
Maldives Insider - Maldives
As the festive season commenced at SAii Lagoon Maldives, Curio Collection by Hilton, the resort embraced a true celebration of tradition t...

Mon 25. Nov 20:45 - Sun Siyam Olhuveli unveils 40 new built Grand Beach Suites with private Pools ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Sun Siyam Olhuveli Maldives proudly unveils its 40 newly constructed Grand Beach Suites with Private Pools, located on the exclusive Dre...

Mon 25. Nov 20:40 - Discover 101 Ways to Embrace the Festive Spirit at Angsana Velavaru
VisitMaldives - Maldives
The festive season is a time for celebration, reflection, and cherished moments with loved ones. This year, Angsana Velavaru, nestled in th...

Mon 25. Nov 20:35 - Maldives receives 'World's Leading Destination Award' for the fifth time
The Edition - Maldives
Maldives has received World's Leading Destination Award at the World Travel Awards for the fifth consecutive time. In addition to this, Mald...

Mon 25. Nov 20:30 - Strong winds, rough seas predicted for next six days
The Edition - Maldives
Maldives Meteorological Service (MET Office) has cautioned that Maldives will experience strong winds and rough seas over the coming six...

Mon 25. Nov 20:25 - Trans Maldivian Airways named World’s Leading Seaplane Operator for 2024
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Trans Maldivian Airways (TMA), the world’s largest seaplane operator, has once again secured global recognition, earning the titles of Worl...
courtesy Corporate Maldives - Landing TMA Seaplane

Mon 25. Nov 20:20 - ‘Tis the season for festive fusion: Patina Maldives, Fari Islands unifies Christmas ...
Drift - Canada
Tropical island trailblazer Patina Maldives, Fari Islands is once again redefining seasonal celebrations with a carefully curated festive prog...

Mon 25. Nov 20:15 - Envoyage’s 2024 Icons celebrate achievements with luxury Maldives trip
Travelweek - Canada
For its Icons 2024 event, Envoyage treated 50 top-producing travel advisors from around the world to four days of island luxury in the Maldi...

Mon 25. Nov 20:10 - Maldives increases Airport Taxes by 67% to 167% for Tickets issued from December
LoyaltyLobby - Island
The Maldives is significantly increasing airport taxes on tickets issued or or after December 1, 2024. Economy fees increase 67% to $100, b...

Mon 25. Nov 20:05 - Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives officially welcomes first Guests to its new ...
Centara Hotels & Resorts, Thailand's leading hotel operator, is proud to announce its newest property, Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives ha...

Mon 25. Nov 20:00 - Four Seasons Maldives: A Tropical Paradise Beyond Imagination
Femina - India
Escape to Four Seasons Maldives for luxury, wellness, and indulgence amidst azure waters and lush paradise. Of luxury, gastronomy, and w...

Sun 24. Nov 14:00 - Coco Collection crowned at the Seven Stars Luxury Hospitality and Lifestyle Award
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Coco Collection, a leading Maldivian resort brand, has been honoured at the 2024 Seven Stars Luxury Hospitality and Lifestyle Awards, wit...
courtesy VisitMaldives - Sunset over Coco Bodu Hithi aerial-view

Sun 24. Nov 13:55 - Mixology Garden of Dreams: Netflix 'Drink Masters' Tao Zrafi unveils Oaga Art Resort
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Craving a tropical escape with a twist? Oaga Art Resort in the Maldives has unveiled its revamped Sobi Bar as a Mixology Garden, featurin...

Sun 24. Nov 13:50 - The Westin Maldives Miriandhoo Resort welcomes Wellness Expert Dr. Shagnika ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
The Westin Maldives Miriandhoo Resort is delighted to announce an exclusive collaboration with Wellness Practitioner Dr. Shagnika Pradh...

Sun 24. Nov 13:45 - Sun Siyam Olhuveli’s latest beachfront retreats on Dream Island
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sun Siyam Olhuveli Maldives has unveiled 40 newly constructed Grand Beach Suites with Private Pools, located on the exclusive Dream Is...

Sun 24. Nov 13:40 - Disco fever takes over Amilla Maldives this festive season
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The festive season at Amilla Maldives promises to be an unforgettable celebration, blending the magic of the holidays with the vibrant ene...

Sun 24. Nov 13:35 - Tourist arrivals from Russia increases 6% compared to same period 2023
PSM News - Maldives
The Ministry of Tourism has announced that over 200,000 tourists have visited the Maldives from Russia so far this year, making it the seco...

Sun 24. Nov 13:30 - Forty-three airlines from 23 countries operating to the Maldives
Avas - Maldives
A total of 43 airlines from 23 countries currently fly to the Maldives. According to the statistics released by the Tourism Ministry 23 countries...

Sun 24. Nov 13:25 - Gold Cup: Guraidhoo defeats Huraa, Naifaru wins against Maafushi
Raajje - Maldives
Guraidhoo has secured the top spot in Group C with this win, while Addu is in second place. Kurendhoo is in third place and Huraa falls sho...

Sun 24. Nov 13:20 - This Maldivian resort is a little slice of heaven - no wonder the A-listers ...
Glamour - UK
Turtles, tides, and turquoise dreams. At St. Regis Maldives Vommuli, a five-star luxury hotel in the Maldives, I relaxed for the first time in m...

Sun 24. Nov 13:15 - Claudia Winkleman: I found the greatest hotel in the Maldives
Look, I’m going to be frank. I’ve been to the Maldives before. All of it is great. Very far away but totally worth it. You get off the plane (they s...

Sun 24. Nov 13:10 - Envoyage hosts iconic celebration at luxurious Maldives resort
PAXnews - USA
Fifty Envoyage members from around the world were recently treated to four days of island luxury in the Maldives as part of the brand’s mos...

Sun 24. Nov 13:05 - Aahana Kumra turns up the Heat in printed Bikini; Enjoys the Sun, Sea and Sand ...
News18 - India
Aahana Kumra has set Instagram on fire with her latest picture from the Maldives! Aahana Kumra has a massive following on social media ...

Sat 23. Nov 14:30 - Sun Siyam Vilu Reef's 'Mama' returns for her 45th visit
Sun Online - Maldives
Bärbel Richter, one of Sun Siyam Vilu Reef’s most iconic repeat guests, has returned for her 45h visit to the picturesque resort island. Germ...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  Baerbel Richter is welcomed upon return to the Sun Siyam Vilu Reef. Photo Vilu Reef Family Club

Sat 23. Nov 14:25 - Escape to naturally better festive at JA Manafaru
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Set in the pristine northernmost atoll of the Maldives, JA Manafaru is set to unveil a captivating array of festive activities, running from Dec...

Sat 23. Nov 14:20 - Ex-world champion Angelique Kerber to visit Anantara Kihavah ... excl. tennis clinic
Maldives Insider - Maldives
From 27 November to 8 December 2024, Anantara Kihavah Maldives Villas will welcome former world No.1 tennis champion Angelique Ke...

Sat 23. Nov 14:15 - Airlines Raise Fares as Maldives Airport Taxes Increase
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
International airlines operating in the Maldives are adjusting ticket prices upwards in response to the government’s recent airport tax hike. A...

Sat 23. Nov 14:10 - Maldives: Muizzu opts for autocratic route, takes on the resort-lobby
Firstpost - USA
While the general talk is about the Maldivian president’s ability and courage to stand up to the resort lobby, there are also those who spell o...

Sab 23. Nov 14:05 - Seeking solutions in Indigenous knowledge: Interview with ... Mohamed Nasheed
Mongabay - USA
In the next 50 years, 80% of the Maldives may become uninhabitable, creating human security and livelihood issues of epic proportions for...

Sat 23. Nov 14:00 - China eyes deeper ties with Maldives after Muizzu party's poll win
After the Maldives' pro-China ruling Peoples National Congress (PNC) won a decisive majority in parliamentary elections, Beijing said it full...

Sat 23. Nov 13:55 - Sirru Fen Fushi Launches Once-in-a-Lifetime Competition
ttg Media - USA
Sirru Fen Fushi announces a competition offering content creators the chance to win a 30-day stay of unparalleled luxury at the private lag...

Fri 22. Nov 14:30 - Heavy rain expected in some parts this weekend
Raajje - Maldives
Heavy rainfall is expected to prevail across central atolls on Saturday. Scattered rain showers are expected to prevail across some atolls in n...
courtesy Raajje - Flooding in the capital due to heavy rain showers

Fri 22. Nov 14:25 - Coco Bodu Hithi wins ‘Best Service’ at 2025 Condé Nast Johansens Awards
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Coco Bodu Hithi, a renowned boutique resort in the Maldives celebrated for its Maldivian-inspired elegance, has received recognition at th...

Fri 22. Nov 14:20 - Unveiling ultimate escape: GlobeAir’s long-haul service to The Nautilus Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The Nautilus Maldives has announced an extraordinary partnership with GlobeAir, Europe’s leading private jet operator. This exclusive coll...

Fri 22. Nov 14:15 - Bond beyond travel: Iain and Debbie’s 40-visit love affair with Reethi Faru Resort
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Reethi Faru Resort proudly celebrates the extraordinary journey of two devoted guests, Iain and Debbie, who recently marked a special mile...

Fri 22. Nov 14:10 - Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives
Hospitalitynet - USA
Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives Officially Welcomes First Guests. Centara Hotels & Resorts, Thailand's leading hotel operator, is proud to ...

Fri 22. Nov 14:05 - Discover the Maldives you imagine at JA Manafaru
Condé Nast Traveller - USA
Close your eyes and imagine the ultimate island getaway ... The Maldives, an archipelago cast away in the Indian Ocean, is at the root of ...

Fri 22. Nov 14:00 - This Gorgeous Island Has the World's Best Sunset, According to Pinterest Data
Travel+Leisure - USA
There's nothing better than getting to enjoy a gorgeous sunset ... After doing all that digging, it named the Maldives the No. 1 sunset locati...

Fri 22. Nov 13:55 - I visited incredible luxury islands that are sinking - it was hard to leave
Mirror - UK
Mirror reporter Howard Lloyd dived into the Maldives with a wealth of wildlife finding it to be the ideal destination to escape Britain's dreary...

Fri 22. Nov 13:50 - Maldives starts work on debt-for-nature swap, says minister
The Maldives is working on a debt-for-nature swap, the country's environment minister said on Thursday, with funds freed up expected to go...

Thu 21. Nov 15:00 - Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa announces exclusive collaboration with Maldivian
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa, a luxury destination located in the pristine Haa Alifu Atoll of the Maldives, has announced its exclusive part...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  Hideaway Beach Resort announces collaboration with Maldivian

Thu 21. Nov 14:55 - Coco Bodu Hithi, Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu shine at Seven Star Awards
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Coco Collection, a leading Maldivian resort brand, has been honoured at the 2024 Seven Stars Luxury Hospitality and Lifestyle Awards, wit...

Thu 21. Nov 14:50 - Cocktail art meets tropical bliss: Tao Zrafi transforms Oaga Art Resort’s Sobi Bar
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Oaga Art Resort has transformed its Sobi Bar into a Mixology Garden, showcasing a collaboration with internationally acclaimed Beverage...

Thu 21. Nov 14:45 - Patina Maldives unveils festive season of culinary delights and unforgettable ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Patina Maldives, Fari Islands, a trailblazer among tropical island destinations is redefining seasonal celebrations with a festive program tha...

Thu 21. Nov 14:40 - Diving into a milestone: Monika’s 3333th dive at Ellaidhoo Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
In the crystal-clear waters surrounding Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon, each dive holds the promise of discovery. Known for its thriving re...

Thu 21. Nov 14:35 - Snorkelling adventures at Kandolhu Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Snorkeling at Kandolhu Maldives provides an exceptional underwater experience, renowned for its vibrant, well-preserved coral formations ...

Thu 21. Nov 14:30 - Over 62,000 tourist beds across 1,242 establishments
Avas - Maldives
The Maldives Tourism Ministry has reported that more than 62,000 beds are currently available for tourists across 1,242 establishments. Acc...

Thu 21. Nov 14:25 - 80 percent work on first bridge of Madaveli-Hoadedhdhoo Causeway completed
One online - Maldives
Under the GDh. Madaveli and GDh. Hoadedhdhoo Causeway project, 80 percent of the work on the first 60-meter bridge has been complet...
courtesy One online - The Madaveli and Hoadedhdhoo Causeway project

Thu 21. Nov 14:20 - I swam with a whale shark in the Maldives without knowing how to swim
Vogue India - India
I was 13 years old when I first attempted to swim ... trail a whale shark by my instructor Abdullah on day 1 of my Maldives trip, I froze. It had ...

Thu 21. Nov 14:15 - Live the Dream with Sirru Fen Fushi’s ‘Millionaire for a Month’ Giveaway ...
Alvinology Media - USA
Sirru Fen Fushi - Private Lagoon Resort, nestled in the stunning Shaviyani Atoll and a proud member of The Leading Hotels of the World, i...

Thu 21. Nov 14:10 - 8 Reasons why you must Visit the Maldives
BusinessMole - USA
The Maldives is a tropical paradise known for its gorgeous beaches, underwater adventures, and luxury resorts. This archipelago of nearly 1...

Thu 21. Nov 14:05 - Maldives working on debt-for-nature swap, says minister
MarketScreener - France
The Maldives is working on a debt-for-nature swap, the country's environment minister said on Thursday, with funds freed up expected to go...

Wed 20. Nov 14:00 - JOALI Debuts Island Homes in The Maldives
VisitMaldives - Maldives
JOALI launches Island Homes, a rare opportunity to own an exceptional private residence in the multi-award-winning first wellbeing island ...
courtesy VisitMaldives - Joali Island Homes Residency

Wed 20. Nov 13:55 - LUX* South Ari wins ‘Best for Families’ at the 2025 Condé Nast Johansens Award
VisitMaldives - Maldives
LUX* South Ari Atoll is proud to announce it has been named Best for Families in the Africa, Asia and Middle East regions at the 2025 Con...

Wed 20. Nov 13:50 - Dusit Thani Maldives partners with Maldives Border Miles, 1st ... Loyalty Programme
VisitMaldives - Maldives
In an exciting collaboration, Maldives Border Miles has partnered with Dusit Thani Maldives a luxury resort renowned for its exceptional gu...

Wed 20. Nov 13:45 - Jumeirah Olhahali ... announces Residency with Wellness Expert Karol Krauser III
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Functional fitness expert, exercise instructor, and wellness programme designer Karol Krauser brings integrative personal training to the Mal...

Wed 20. Nov 13:40 - JOALI Debuts Island Homes in Maldives
HospitalityNet - USA
Own an ultra-luxury residence, Island Home, at the first wellbeing island of its kind in the Maldives. Bodufushi Island, Maldives - JOALI laun...

Wed 20. Nov 13:35 - Who wants to live in luxury on the Maldives for a month?
Travel Tomorrow - Belgium
Finally, there’s a good reason to sort through all your digital photographs. What if your best travel memories could win you the chance to liv...

Wed 20. Nov 13:30 - The Nautilus Maldives ushers in the New Year with Stress-Relief Treatments ...
Newswires - USA
The Nautilus Maldives welcomes the new year with the launch of its Masters for Masters calendar, featuring a series of world-class events thr...

Wed 20. Nov 13:25 - BeOnd Airlines Celebrates First Year of Service
Airways - USA
The world’s first premium leisure airline, beOnd Airlines (B4), celebrates its first anniversary. The Maldivian carrier, headquartered in Dubai ...

Tue 19. Nov 13:45 - JOALI launches first-ever wellbeing residences in Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
JOALI has introduced Island Homes, offering a unique opportunity to own a private residence on the award-winning first-of-its-kind wellbein...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  Joali Beeing VPool-illa

Tue 19. Nov 13:40 - Hina Khan finds serenity at Joy Island Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Renowned Indian actress Hina Khan recently embarked on a serene escape to the idyllic Joy Island Maldives. The actress, known for her ca...

Tue 19. Nov 13:35 - Kuramathi Maldives secures Travelife Gold Certification for sustainable excellence
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Kuramathi Maldives has renewed its Travelife Gold Certification, a globally recognised accolade that underscores its commitment to sustai...

Tue 19. Nov 13:30 - Exclusive benefits await Maldives Border Miles members at Dusit Thani Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
In an exciting development, Maldives Border Miles has announced a partnership with Dusit Thani Maldives, a luxury resort renowned for its...

Tue 19. Nov 13:25 - SO/ Maldives partners with GG Elite Fitness
VisitMaldives - Maldives
SO/ Maldives is excited to announce a transformative fitness partnership with GG Elite Fitness in the breathtaking Maldives from 15-29th No...

Tue 19. Nov 13:20 - Sun Siyam Olhuveli Hosts The Annual Festive Tradition Celebration
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Sun Siyam Olhuveli celebrated the much-anticipated start of the festive season with a vibrant Christmas Cake Mixing ceremony held on the...

Tue 19. Nov 13:15 - Heavy Rains cause widespread Damage across Maldives Islands
MV+ - Maldives
The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has reported significant damage across the southern, central, and northern islands of ...
courtesy MV Plus -  Heavy Rains Cause Widespread Damage Across Maldives Islands NDMA

Tue 19. Nov 13:10 - The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands celebrates milestones in sustainability
Premier - UK
The Ritz-Carlton Maldives Fari Islands is proud to announce its achievement of the Forbes VERIFIED Responsible Hospitality badge, award...

Tue 19. Nov 13:05 - Foreign Office travel advice for holiday paradise as tourists issued warning
Express - UK
Holidaymakers are also urged to check the local swimming conditions when arriving at their acommodation ... on holiday in the Maldives h...

Tue 19. Nov 13:00 - W Maldives set to open in January 2025
Hospitality Interiors - UK
After nearly two decades as a trailblazer in luxury hospitality, W Maldives is set to reopen in January 2025 with a bold, full-scale renovation ...

Tue 19. Nov 12:55 - Explore the natural beauty of Maldives, a spectacular island escape
The Star Online - Malaysia
Did you know that there are four atoll nations in the world? ... Tucked in the heart of the Indian Ocean, the Maldives is renowned for its bea...

Tue 19. Nov 12:50 - Underwater Hotels Market ... Major Giants Hilton, Conrad Maldives, The Muraka
openPR - Germany
HTF MI recently introduced Global Underwater Hotels Market study with 143+ pages in-depth overview, describing about the Product / Indus...

Mon 18. Nov 14:40 - Condé Nast Johansens awards LUX* South Ari Atoll as Best for Families
Maldives Insider - Maldives
LUX* South Ari Atoll has been named Best for Families in the Africa, Asia and Middle East regions at the 2025 Condé Nast Johansens Awa...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  LUX South Ari Atoll Water-Villas

Mon 18. Nov 14:35 - Inspiring greener future: Angsana Velavaru tribute to male role models in hospitality
Maldives Insider - Maldives
On International Mens Day Angsana Velavaru highlights the remarkable contributions of its male leaders in hospitality and sustainability. T...

Mon 18. Nov 14:30 - Exclusive benefits await Maldives Border Miles members at Dusit Thani Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
In an exciting development, Maldives Border Miles has announced a partnership with Dusit Thani Maldives, a luxury resort renowned for its...

Mon 18. Nov 14:25 - JEN Maldives introduces Sober Spirits cocktails
Maldives Insider - Maldives
JEN Maldives Malé by Shangri-La has become the first to introduce a 0.0 cocktail series in the Maldives, bringing the global trend of sophis...

Mon 18. Nov 14:20 - A new Chapter in Marine Conservation and Education from Ellaidhoo ... by Cinnamon
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Regarded as one of the best destinations for diving by Lonely Planet, Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon, is a tropical sanctuary where green...

Mon 18. Nov 14:15 - Tourism Industry’s Call for Compromise ignored amidst new Dollar Rules
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
In response to newly introduced regulations by the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) mandating a compulsory USD 500 fee per tourist at ...

Mon 18. Nov 14:10 - Met Office Issues Rain Alert as Maldives Faces Three Days of Heavy Showers
MV+ - Maldives
The Maldives Meteorological Service (MMS) has forecasted widespread rain across the country over the next three days. Met Office explain...
courtesy MV Plus - Heavy Rain in the Maldives

Mon 18. Nov 14:05 - Shaff set to dive Maldives north to south
Divernet - UK
Diving instructor Shafraz 'Shaff' Naeem has set himself record-setting challenges in the past and this February he plans to embark on an am...

Mon 18. Nov 14:00 - Maldives Reimagined: From Romantic Getaway to a Multi-Generational Paradise
News18 - India
Maldives is undergoing a transformation, catering not only to couples but also to families of all sizes, including children, parents, and even...

Mon 18. Nov 13:55 - 5 best Islands in the Maldives to go Scuba Diving to like Palak Tiwari did
NDTV - India
Palak Tiwari shared snippets from her Maldives holiday as she went scuba diving for the first time. Palak Tiwari is a big-time travel enthusia...

Mon 18. Nov 13:50 - Hina Khan shares ... Emotions during Maldives Vacation with Boyfriend Rocky Jaswal
Filmbeat - India
Hina Khan is currently undergoing cancer treatment. Despite this, she has taken a break to visit the Maldives with her boyfriend Rocky Jaisw...

Mon 18. Nov 13:45 - 'Know the risks!' Britons who swim on holiday issued stark warning ...
GB News - UK
Holidaymakers should be aware of 'strong tidal currents' in the sea around the Maldives. Britons visiting the Maldives have been issued a fre...

Sun 17. Nov 14:45 - Dive Into Paradise: Festive Season Adventures at Kandooma Maldives
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives' invites guests to escape to a tropical paradise for an unforgettable festive season for stays from 22 ...
courtesy VisitMaldives - Kandooma Maldives Boat-Trip

Sun 17. Nov 14:40 - Sun Siyam Olhuveli’s festive journey begins with Cake Mixing ceremony
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sun Siyam Olhuveli marked the highly anticipated start of the festive season with a lively Christmas Cake Mixing ceremony held on the pict...

Sun 17. Nov 14:35 - Anant Ambani vacations in Maldives, visits Makunudhoo
The Edition - Maldives
Anant Ambani and his wife Radhika Merchant are vacationing at Soneva Secret resort in Haa Dhaalu atoll. Anant Ambani, the youngest so...

Sun 17. Nov 14:30 - Foreign vessel detained after illegal entry into Maldives
The Edition - Maldives
Coast Guard has detained a foreign vessel that had illegally entered Maldivian waters, following its location by Maldives National Defence ...

Sun 17. Nov 14:25 - Maldives suffers last-minute defeat to Bangladesh in thrilling second match
Raajje - Maldives
The Maldives national football team won their first international friendly match against Bangladesh ... beat the Maldives with a score of 2-1...

Sun 17. Nov 14:20 - 7 Days of Surf Coaching in the Maldives
Surfer - UK
Where better to take your surfing to the next level than the tropical paradise that is the Maldives? The Maldives have been on my bucket lis...

Sun 17. Nov 14:15 - Patina Maldives, Fari Islands
American Express - USA
Surrounded by crystal blue waters and a stunning tropical landscape, Patina Maldives, Fari Islands offers a contemporary-chic style, exquisit...

Sun 17. Nov 14:10 - A visual journey through the Maldives
Sunday Observer - Sri Lanka
The Maldives High Commission in Sri Lanka organized an art exhibition titled 'Nala Dhivehi Raajje: A Visual Journey Through the Maldive...

Sun 17. Nov 14:05 - Hina Khan vacays In Maldives amid Cancer ... shares Video: 'Ocean Humbles Me'
News18 - India
Hina Khan, who is undergoing treatment for stage three breast cancer, shared a video of herself from her luxurious Maldives stay. Actress Hi...

Sat 16. Nov 14:00 - Island-inspired plant-based delights await this January at Nova Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Each year, the number of people participating in Dry January continues to grow, with more individuals embracing this alcohol-free moveme...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  Island-inspired plant-based delights await this January at Nova Maldives

Sat 16. Nov 13:55 - Air Arabia named Official Airline Partner for NHGAM Roadshow 2024
VisitMaldives - Maldives
The National Hotel and Guest House Association of Maldives (NHGAM) has proudly announced Air Arabia as the official airline partner for ...

Sat 16. Nov 13:50 - What to See in the Maldives - Ukraine
The Maldives once became a true showcase destination for tourists. Visiting this country was expensive and prestigious ... now the Maldives...

Sat 16. Nov 13:45 - One of Maldives most luxurious Wellness Resorts debuts 8 Overwater Bungalows ...
Robb Report - USA
When Joali Maldives opened its doors in 2018, it quickly became one of the swankiest private island resorts in the region. So when its sister ...

Sat 16. Nov 13:40 - Ibrahim Ali Khan, Palak Tiwari's Maldives pics convince fans they are dating
India Today - India
Ibrahim Ali Khan and Palak Tiwari sparked dating rumours once again as they shared vacation photos from the same Maldives resort. Ibrah...

Sat 16. Nov 13:35 - Hina Khan goes snorkeling in Maldives: The ocean humbles me
The Tribune - USA
In June Hina Khan shared news of her breast cancer diagnosis ... Hina Khan shares soul-soothing snorkeling experience in the Maldives am...

Sat 16. Nov 13:30 - Michelle Dee flaunts fit figure in Maldives
Michelle Dee is a total beach babe! On Instagram, the Miss Universe Philippines 2023 shared her beach photos in one of her dream destin...

Fri 15. Nov 14:00 - Self-love and serenity: The Nautilus Maldives’ Valentine’s Day experience redefined
Maldives Insider - Maldives
In 2025, The Nautilus Maldives, an award-winning ultra-luxury private island hideaway, invites guests to celebrate Valentine’s Day as a san...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  Picnic on the beach at The Nautilus Maldives

Fri 15. Nov 13:55 - Number of operational tourist facilities rises
Raajje - Maldives
Operational guesthouses span across 116 islands of 19 atolls, with hotels operational in nine islands of eight atolls. 68 percent of the bed c...

Fri 15. Nov 13:50 - Shaina shines in a Dhivehi Libaas at Miss Universe's national costume show
The Edition - Maldives
Miss Universe Maldives Shaina Naseem has represented the country in a Dhivehi Libaas in the national dress show segment of the competit...

Fri 15. Nov 13:45 - Country focus The Maldives
Spa Business - UK
A flurry of resort openings has bolstered the super-luxury end of the Maldivian tourism market, even attracting the Duke and Duchess of Cam...

Fri 15. Nov 13:40 - Top-Tier Resort in the Maldives to Recommend to Your Family Clients
Recommend - USA
If you’re looking for the perfect family-friendly destination in the Maldives to recommend to your clients, let me tell you, Six Senses Laamu ...

Fri 15. Nov 13:35 - Rediscover All Forms of Love at The Nautilus Maldives this Valentine’s Day 2025
Business Insider - USA
In 2025, The Nautilus Maldives, an award-winning ultra-luxury private island hideaway, invites guests to celebrate Valentine’s Day in a sanc...

Fri 15. Nov 13:30 - Centara presents first underwater-themed family resort in Maldives
BW Hotelier - USA
Centara Hotels & Resorts has debuted the Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives, the first underwater-themed family resort in the Maldives, in th...

Fri 15. Nov 13:25 - Dancing with currents and waves in the Maldives
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology - USA
Collaborating with a local climate technology company, MIT’s Self-Assembly Lab is pursuing scalable erosion solutions that mimic nature, ...

Fri 15. Nov 13:20 - Maldives: Proposed Media Commission Bill restricts press freedom
IFJ International Federation of Journalists - USA
A controversial new bill introduced to the Maldivian Parliament is seeking to establish a new government-influenced commission, responsib...

Thu 14. Nov 14:25 - Worldwide Kids accreditation highlights Dhigali Maldives ... to exceptional childcare
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Dhigali Maldives has announced that its “Play• Kids Club has been accredited by Worldwide Kids, becoming one of only nine such facilities...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Play Kids Club at Dhigali Maldives

Thu 14. Nov 14:20 - JOALI Maldives celebrates six years of art and luxury with Maison Ruinart
Maldives Insider - Maldives
JOALI Maldives, the first and only art-immersive resort in the Maldives, will commemorate its sixth anniversary on November 15, 2024, with ...

Thu 14. Nov 14:15 - VARU by Atmosphere marks five years of unmatched hospitality
Maldives Insider - Maldives
VARU by Atmosphere, an iconic private island resort in the Maldives, celebrated its five-year anniversary this week, marking five years of hos...

Thu 14. Nov 14:10 - Velaa Private Island crowned Fine Dining Champion at Boutique Hotel Club Awards
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The 2024 Boutique Hotel Club Awards, often likened to the Michelin Guide for boutique hotels, has unveiled its winners, showcasing the pi...

Thu 14. Nov 14:05 - Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives officially opens
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Centara Hotels & Resorts, Thailand’s leading hotel operator, on Wednesday opened Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives. This underwater wor...

Thu 14. Nov 14:00 - Festive escapes redefined: Discover the magic of Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru and Ihuru
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru and Dhawa Ihuru offer an unforgettable festive escape on their twin islands. Nestled in a serene haven, guests can...

Thu 14. Nov 13:55 - 'Tis the Season to be Jolly'
VisitMaldives - Maldives
JOALI Maldives, the first and only art-immersive resort in the Maldives, unveils its “Tis the Season to be Jolly• holiday theme alongside a ro...

Thu 14. Nov 13:50 - Island Healing: Revitalise with Multi-Day Wellness ... at The Standard Huruvalhii
VisitMaldives - Maldives
This winter, The Standard, Huruvalhi Maldives invites wellness enthusiasts to return to the spa’s roots as a healing-by-water experience with ...

Thu 14. Nov 13:45 - Eco-park to be developed at Funadhoo Dhaffalhu
Sun Online - Maldives
Sh. Funadhoo Council has decided to develop a tourist hotel and an eco-park at the naturally formed mangrove area on the island, Dhaffal...
courtesy Sun Online - Flamingos at Shaviyani Funadhoo Dhaffalhu

Thu 14. Nov 13:40 - MPL launches new water barge for off-shore bunkering
Avas - Maldives
The Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) has introduced a barge to supply water to ships obtaining off-shore bunkering in Ihavandippolhu. The ne...

Thu 14. Nov 13:35 - Maldives defeats Bangladesh in match played after year-long hiatus
Raajje - Maldives
In the international break, Maldives is playing two matches against Bangladesh. Maldives will face Bangladesh again in the second match ...

Thu 14. Nov 13:30 - Finolhu Baa Atoll Maldives unveils new interconnecting villas
ttg Media - USA
Seaside Finolhu Baa Atoll Maldives has announced new group travel offerings, including a connecting villa, Teen Hut, and Art Lab. To me...

Thu 14. Nov 13:25 - Centara presents first underwater-themed family resort in Maldives
BW Hotelier - USA
Centara Hotels & Resorts has debuted the Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives, the first underwater-themed family resort in the Maldives, in th...

Thu 14. Nov 13:20 - Maldives diver glides along with blue whale in breathtaking video with 18 mill. views
In what was nothing short of an unforgettable experience, a diver encountered a blue whale while ... a swim in the ocean in the Maldives. ...

Thu 14. Nov 13:15 - Icons 2024: Envoyage rewards top 50 advisors to luxury Maldives retreat
Karryon - Australia
Envoyage recently hosted its most prestigious annual reward event, Icons, treating 50 top-selling travel advisors (and their guests!) to four lu...

Thu 14. Nov 13:10 - Bangladesh lose to Maldives in first FIFA friendly
Dhaka Tribune - USA
Bangladesh had better possession, dominated the game and created more chances but couldn’t find the net while the Maldives found it in ...

Wed 13. Nov 14:25 - Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon opens Marine Biology Unit
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Regarded by ‘Lonely Planet’ as one of the premier destinations for diving, Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon is a tropical haven where lush ...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Ellaidhoo Marine Biology Unit

Wed 13. Nov 14:20 - An ocean odyssey festive celebration In JOALI BEING
Maldives Insider - Maldives
JOALI BEING, the first wellbeing island of its kind in the Maldives, invites guests of all ages to celebrate the holidays while embarking on a ...

Wed 13. Nov 14:15 - Tourism Ministry to Launch Targeted Inspections of Guesthouses in Key Atolls
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
The Maldives’ Ministry of Tourism has announced plans to conduct targeted inspections within the next two weeks to address the issue of ill...

Wed 13. Nov 14:10 - November’s arrival figure sees 8.3 percent surge from last year
Raajje - Maldives
The arrival figure recorded so far in November has seen an 8.3 percent surge in comparison to the same period last year. This was revealed...

JOALI Maldives, the first and only art-immersive resort in the Maldives, unveils its “Tis the Season to be Jolly• holiday theme alongside a ro...

Wed 13. Nov 14:05 - HDC unveils 15 new projects
Avas - Maldives
The Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has launched a series of major projects. The projects, launched under the theme Transformin...
courtesy Avas - HDC unveils 15 new projects

Wed 13. Nov 14:00 - Seaside Finolhu Baa Maldives: The Perfect Place for Multi-Generational Travel
Travel News - UK
The Maldives Resort Seeks to Attract the Group Travel Market in 2025 ... Seaside Finolhu Baa Maldives, the idyllic island playground resor...

Wed 13. Nov 13:55 - Bollywood flocks back to Maldives
Pressreader - USA
Indian passport holders can travel visa-free ... With improved ties between India and the Maldives, Bollywood stars are, once again, flock­in...

Wed 13. Nov 13:50 - Art exhibition to mark Republic Day of Maldives
Daily News - Sri Lanka
The Maldives High Commission in Sri Lanka has organised an Art Exhibition titled 'Nala Dhivehi Raajje' by popular Maldivian Artist Abdull...

Wed 13. Nov 13:45 - Cambodian bodybuilder wins bronze medal at Maldives
Khmer Times - USA
Cambodian bodybuilder Khou Kheanghuy won a bronze medal in the Men’s Sports Physique over 180cm + 4Kg at the 15th World Bodybui...

Wed 13. Nov 13:40 - Maldives on boards two more Chinese companies for Muizzu’s Rasmalé project
NewsIn Asia - USA
Two Chinese companies have been awarded contracts to reclaim the last two of the 12 sites to be developed as part of the Mohamed Muiz...

Tue 12. Nov 14:35 - Uncover the ocean’s secrets at Cinnamon Dhonveli
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Cinnamon Dhonveli Maldives invites you to plunge into an underwater wonderland where adventure meets unparalleled beauty. As one of...

Tue 12. Nov 14:30 - Experience ultimate Maldivian dream with Sirru Fen Fushi’s ‘Millionaire for a Month’
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sirru Fen Fushi - Private Lagoon Resort, an all-natural haven in the crystal-clear Shaviyani Atoll and member of the prestigious Leading Ho...

Tue 12. Nov 14:25 - Tis the season to be jolly at JOALI Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
JOALI Maldives, the first and only art-immersive resort in the Maldives, unveils its 'Tis the Season to be Jolly' holiday theme alongside a ro...

Tue 12. Nov 14:20 - An Ocean Odyssey Festive Celebration In Joali Being
VisitMaldives - Maldives
The festive programme sparkles with vegan fine-dining experiences by Gauthier’s Soho and Motivation Training with Jeremy Jauncey. Joa...

Tue 12. Nov 14:15 - Embrace the Magic: A Winter Wonderland Awaits at Bandos Maldives
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Bandos Maldives invites you to celebrate the magic of the holiday season with a spectacular "Winter Wonderland" themed festive program...

Tue 12. Nov 14:10 - Development frozen, gov’t debt surges as financial crisis intensifies
Raajje - Maldives
The government had projected to receive MVR 33.5 billion over the past 10 months. The projected revenue was not met. The government ...

Tue 12. Nov 14:05 - Sea-level rise + extreme Indian Ocean Dipole explain mangrove dieback in Maldives
Nature - USA
Mangrove forests enhance Small Island Developing States’ resilience to climate change, yet in 2020, a mangrove dieback impacted ß 25%...

Tue 12. Nov 14:00 - Boogie into Landaa Wonderland at Four Seasons Resort Maldives
Hospibuz - USA
Dive into Landaa Wonderland this festive season at Four Seasons Resort Maldives. Enjoy a unique blend of dining, artistry, and live shows i...

Tue 12. Nov 13:55 - Sun Siyam Resorts introduces 24-Hour All-Inclusive across all 5 Maldives Properties
Breaking Travel News - UK
Welcome Googler! If you find this article interesting, you might want to subscribe to our Newsletter for the latest travel news. Sun Siyam Res...

Tue 12. Nov 13:50 - Maldives luxury resort booksellers competition, free accommodation and ...
Telegrafi - USA
In one of the most luxurious resorts in Modlavi, a dream job is being offered ... looking to hire someone to work at the Soneva Fushi Resort, ...

Mon 11. Nov 13:30 - Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grovers family celebration at Ozen Reserve Bolifushi
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Ozen Reserve Bolifushi, a luxury private island resort in the Maldives known for its azure waters, pristine beaches, and high-end hospitality r...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh at Ozen Reserve Bolifushi

Mon 11. Nov 13:25 - Maldives to Open Embassy in Italy: Strengthening Ties with a Key Tourism Market
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
The Maldives is preparing to expand its diplomatic footprint with the establishment of an embassy in Italy as announced by President Dr. M...

Mon 11. Nov 13:20 - COMO Hotels and Resorts appoints Peter Nilsson to its Maldives properties
Travel Daily Media - USA
COMO Hotels and Resorts announced the appointment of Peter Nilsson as its managing director for the Maldives. Nilssons’ scope of work in...

Mon 11. Nov 13:15 - Mami Deb and Michael Cleave tie the knot in the Maldives
mbu - Uganda
Kampala Creme star Mami Deb and Michael Cleave have been dating for a while. Having proposed to Mami Deb in the Maldives on her b...

Mon 11. Nov 13:10 - S’porean teen girl killed by boat propeller while snorkelling ... in Maldives
Straits Times - Singapore
A 15-year-old Singaporean student from St Joseph’s Institution (SJI) International died on Nov 8 during an overseas trip in the Maldives. In ...

Sun 10. Nov 13:55 - The Ritz-Carlton Maldives receives Forbes and Green Globe Certifications
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands, has earned the Forbes VERIFIED Responsible Hospitality badge, recognising properties that meet o...
courtesy Maldives Insider - The Ritz Carlton Maldives Fari Island aerial-view

Sun 10. Nov 13:50 - Celebrate ‘Winter Wonderland’ in Maldives: festive holiday magic Bandos Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Bandos Maldives invites guests to experience the magic of the holiday season with a ‘Winter Wonderland’ themed festive program running f...

Sun 10. Nov 13:45 - Sirru Fen Fushi launches personalised IV drip treatments with Deborah Alessi
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sirru Fen Fushi, known for its luxury and holistic approach to wellness is has announced the addition of IV drip infusions to the wellness offe...

Sun 10. Nov 13:40 - Maldives revises tobacco import policy for tourists
One online - Maldives
The government has reduced the limit on tobacco imports for tourists from 19 packs to 10 packs (200 cigarettes) per visitor. Previously, touris...

Sun 10. Nov 13:35 - Maldives Tourism soars! New Record-breaking 1.7 Million Visitors ... already arrived
The Maldives has seen a remarkable influx of tourists this year, with a total of 1.7 million arrivals recorded so far, according to the latest dat...

Sun 10. Nov 13:30 - Darja Sobakinskaja poses in the Maldives against a surreal backdrop ...
Tennis Tonic - Singapore
Beautiful model Darja Sobakinskaja recently enthralled her audience with a series of exquisite photographs taken under the Maldives’ sun-k...

Sun 10. Nov 13:25 - Strengthening Maldives-Pakistan ties
TNS - Pakistan
Academic exchanges between Pakistan and the Maldives can significantly strengthen bilateral ties. Mohamed Waheed, a former president ...

Sat 09. Nov 13:30 - Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa offers exclusive holiday getaway
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa invites guests to embrace the festive season on its picturesque private island with a special, limi...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort and Spa

Sat 09. Nov 13:25 - Velassaru Maldives’ Coral Project invites guests to help rebuild Maldives’ reefs
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Velassaru Maldives has announced the launch of the Velassaru Coral Project a new initiative designed to engage guests in marine conserv...

Sat 09. Nov 13:20 - Festive delights await at Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
This Christmas, guests are invited to escape to paradise and revel in the enchanting beauty of Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives. The resort...

Sat 09. Nov 13:15 - Azerbaijan Airlines commences direct flights to the Maldives
PSM News - Maldives
Azerbaijan Airlines has commenced direct flights to the Maldives for the first time in history. The airline will operate direct flights from Baku...

Sat 09. Nov 13:10 - The Government of Maldives has ... new regulations regarding vaporizer products
VisitMaldives - Maldives
The Government of the Maldives has announced new regulations regarding vaporizer products, which will apply to everyone in the country...

Sat 09. Nov 13:05 - Met forecasts bad weather for central Maldives
Sun Online - Maldives
Maldives Metrological Service (Met Office) as forecasted thunderstorms for some atolls in north and central Maldives tonight. Although wea...

Sat 09. Nov 13:00 - Maldivian swimmers Aan and Hama set five new national records
Avas - Maldives
Maldivian swimmers Mohamed Aan Hussain and Hamna Ahmed have broken five national records at the 20th National Short Track Champi...
courtesy Avas - Maldivian swimmers Mohamed Aan Hussain and Hamna Ahmed

Sat 09. Nov 12:55 - Popular liveaboard Blue Voyager suffers catastrophic fire in Malé, Maldives
Dive Magazine - Island
The MY Blue Voyager has become the second scuba diving liveaboard to suffer a catastrophic fire in as many days, as it burned to the wat...

Sat 09. Nov 12:50 - Why I took a preschooler to the world’s most expensive destination
The Times - UK
Sun, sea and... snacks? The Maldives may be a magnet for honeymooners, but it’s also the perfect place for one exhausted mother and her...

Sat 09. Nov 12:45 - Velaa Private Island Offers The Ideal Family Getaway
deeper blue - USA
Velaa Private Island offers the perfect family getaway in the Maldives. The island is a playground for adults and kids with plenty of ameniti...

Sat 09. Nov 12:40 - SJI International student who died during Maldives school trip was ... Singaporean
Channel News Asia - Singapore
The student from St Joseph's Institution (SJI) International who died during a school trip to the Maldives has been identified as 15-year-old ...

Sat 09. Nov 12:35 - Mariyam Shaina Naseem biography: 10 things about Miss Universe Maldives 2024
Conan daily - USA
Mariyam Shaina Naseem, a Maldivian model and beauty queen, is the first Miss Universe Maldives. She was appointed Top Model Maldiv...

Fri 08. Nov 13:45 - Hilton Maldives Amingiri welcomes guests to nature-inspired festive celebration
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Hilton Maldives Amingiri Resort & Spa is inviting guests to celebrate the holiday season with a festive program inspired by the natural beau...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Christmas cake fruit mixing ceremony at Amangiri

Fri 08. Nov 13:40 - Festive delights await at Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
This Christmas, guests are invited to escape to paradise and revel in the enchanting beauty of Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives. The resort...

Fri 08. Nov 13:35 - What a Second Trump Term would mean for Climate Diplomacy and the Maldives
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
A second Trump administration could bring considerable challenges for climate diplomacy, climate finance, and Small Island Developing ...

Fri 08. Nov 13:30 - Two well-known dive liveboards blaze
Divernet - UK
Two liveaboards well-known to scuba divers, one operating in the Egyptian Red Sea and the other in the Maldives, have suffered what are r...

Fri 08. Nov 13:25 - Spreading Kindness across Oceans: Four Seasons Resorts Maldives ... Kindness Day ...
WebWire - USA
This World Kindness Day, Four Seasons Resorts Maldives invite guests and employees alike to embrace the transformative power of kindnes...

Fri 08. Nov 13:20 - 5 Restaurants, Hotels and Organizations preserving Seagrass and Seafood
Forbes - USA
The Maldives is famously a bucket list destination for its stilt-perched wooden bungalows seemingly floating atop pristinely clear lagoons. H...

Fri 08. Nov 13:15 - Maldives Presence in World Travel Market London Strengthens ... Relations with UK
The Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC), also known as Visit Maldives, hosted an exclusive Maldives Media Me...

Thu 07. Nov 15:00 - New Water Park Facilities at Ifuru Island Maldives now open
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Ifuru Island Maldives is excited to announce that the brand-new Water Park Facilities at the Coconut Kids Club are now officially open for g...

Thu 07. Nov 14:55 - Discover Joy of the Cosmos: Celebrate a Supernova Festive Season at Nova Maldives
VisitMaldives - Maldives
This festive season, Nova Maldives invites travellers to embark on a celestial journey that celebrates the cosmic magic and the spirit of toge...

Thu 07. Nov 14:50 - Heavy rain expected in central atolls this weekend
Raajje - Maldives
Scattered rain showers are expected to prevail across northern and southern atolls. Heavy rain showers are expected in central atolls on Frid...

Thu 07. Nov 14:45 - China gifts 80 computers and 20 laptops to Maldives
PSM News - Maldives
The Chinese government has gifted 80 computers and 20 laptops of Lenovo brand, to the Maldives. The donation was formalized through ...

Thu 07. Nov 14:40 - Hamna Ahmed breaks two national swimming records in Hungary
Maldives Voice - Maldives
Maldivian swimmer Hamna Ahmed has set two new national records at the Hajós Alfréd Kupa III, an international short course competition ...
courtesy Maldives Voice - Maldivian swimmer Hamna Ahmed

Thu 07. Nov 14:35 - My stay in a new Maldives resort that's even better in real life than it looks in photos
Mail Online - UK
Carol Driver visits Avani+ Fares Maldives on the 'beautiful' Baa Atoll. The resort is based on the western edge of a Unesco Biosphere Reserv...

Thu 07. Nov 14:30 - Soneva Secret is an ‘ultra-bespoke’ micro resort in the Maldives
Globetrender - USA
Soneva Secret is a luxurious Maldivian ‘micro resort’ home to the archipelago’s first floating villa and ‘barefoot guardians’ that cater to guest...

Thu 07. Nov 14:25 - Six Senses Resorts in Maldives to Host Wellness Practitioners
Luxury Travel Advisor - USA
Six Senses Laamu and Six Senses Kanuhura, both located in the Maldives, are hosting a variety of visiting wellness practitioners from now ...

Thu 07. Nov 14:20 - Anantara Kihavah ... Villas hotel review: a castaway island in a Unesco biosphere ...
The Times - UK
Lush planting, otherworldly marine life and some of the best restaurants the Indian Ocean ... If paradise made Maldivian villas, it would loo...

Wed 06. Nov 14:40 - Dusit Thani Maldives & BeOnd Airlines announce exclusive discounts and benefits
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Dusit Thani Maldives, a premier Thai-inspired luxury resort has announced an exclusive partnership with BeOnd Airlines, a premium leisure...
courtesy Maldives Insider - BeOnd Airplane

Wed 06. Nov 14:35 - Enchanting Halloween at Reethi Faru: family-friendly festivities amid Maldives ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
At Reethi Faru Resort in the Maldives, Halloween was celebrated this year amid a captivating blend of festive cheer and the Maldives’ stun...

Wed 06. Nov 14:30 - Visit Maldives announces 'The World’s Biggest Giveaway' Campaign ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/ Visit Maldives) is excited to announce the launch of ‘The World’s Biggest ...

Wed 06. Nov 14:25 - Kaani Hotels and Resorts announces Flagship Property in Ukulhas ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Kaani Hotels and Resorts, the leading hotels & guesthouse chain in the Maldives, yesterday at WTM London, announced the expansion of ...

Wed 06. Nov 14:20 - Joali Being celebrates the Release of its first Sea Turtle Patient at the Raa Atoll ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
JOALI BEING, in partnership with the Olive Ridley Project, celebrates a new milestone with the release of its first sea turtle patient from the...

Wed 06. Nov 14:15 - One with the Ocean at Velavaru
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Immerse with Marine Exploration and Eco- Conscious Adventure in Paradise. Angsana Velavaru, nestled in the pristine waters of the Maldi...

Wed 06. Nov 14:10 - Maldives increases ADF, Departure Tax for int'l travelers starting December
Avas - Maldives
President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has ratified amendments to the Airport Development Fee and Departure Tax Act to increase the Airport Dev...

Wed 06. Nov 14:05 - Addu debuted at WTM; the first regional destination promoted globally
Sun Online - Maldives
Maldives Marking and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) in collaboration with Addu Destination Management Office (ADMO) has deb...

Wed 06. Nov 14:00 - You & Me Maldives Receives Prestigious Agoda 2024 Customer Review Award
Hospitality Biz - India
You & Me Maldives is thrilled to announce that it has been honored with Agoda’s esteemed Customer Review Award for 2024. This prestigi...

Wed 06. Nov 13:55 - Maldives to give away 52 holidays next year as part of tourism shake-up
ttg Media - USA
Visit Maldives will give away 52 holidays next year as part of its national tourism board’s strategy to highlight the country’s wide range of tra...

Wed 06. Nov 13:50 - Bodybuilders compete in world championships in Maldives
Vietnam Net - Vietnam
Vietnam has set a target of defending its eight titles at the 15th World Bodybuilding ... which will be held in the Maldives from November 5...


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Gio 05. Dic 13:50 - Influencer fa il bagno alle Maldive, uno squalo la morde mentre lei riprende tutto ...
FQ Magazine - Italia
Si chiama Lilian Tagliari è un’influencer di viaggi ... La ragazza sta nuotando in mezzo a un gruppo di 50 squali nutrice alle Maldive, qua...
see this Video on Youtube

Gio 05. Dic 13:45 - Dalle Maldive uno sguardo inedito sugli squali
RSI - Italia
Un gruppo di squali si muove all’interno di un banco di pesci, dando vita a un affascinante fenomeno di interazione fra prede e predatore. ...

Mer 04. Dic 13:50 - Qual è la migliore destinazione turistica del mondo (per il quinto anno consecutivo)
fanpage - Italia
I World Travel Awards ... Le Maldive hanno ricevuto quattro riconoscimenti ai World Travel Awards: i più prestigiosi sono Migliore Destinazi...

Mar 03. Dic 17:25 - Paura alle Maldive: squalo tigre morde sub alla testa durante un'immersione
Tiscali - Italia
Un video shock mostra il drammatico momento in cui un sub viene attaccato da uno squalo tigre vicino all'isola di Hulhumale. L'uomo è riu...

Lun 02. Dic 14:00 - Le Maldive puntano sul mercato italiano con la serie di webinar 'Discover Maldives'
Gaeta - Italia
Visit Maldives lancia il webinar 'Discover Maldives' il 28 novembre, per promuovere le esperienze turistiche sostenibili e attrarre visitatori ita...

Lun 02. Dic 13:55 - Video shock, squalo tigre morde sub alla testa
Giornale di Puglia - Italia
Le Maldive sono meglio conosciute come una destinazione per vacanze da sogno. Ma sono anche considerate un santuario dei grandi squ...

Dom 01. Dic 16:05 - Visit Maldives guarda al futuro: obiettivo diversificare l’offerta
TTG Italia - Italia
Le Maldive affrontano il futuro del turismo puntando su sostenibilità e diversificazione. 'La nostra economia - spiega Ibrahim Shiuree, ceo ...

Sab 30. Nov 12:50 - Maldive premiate
TTG Italia - Italia
Le Maldive confermano il loro primato come paradiso turistico mondiale conquistando due prestigiosi riconoscimenti ai World Travel Awar...

Ven 29. Nov 13:40 - Maldive tutto l’anno L’Italia è quinta per arrivi turistici
TTG Italia - Italia
Cresce l’incoming internazionale alle Maldive, che guardano con sempre maggior impegno all’ecosostenibilità. Questi i temi al centro del...

Ven 29. Nov 13:35 - Lo squalo tigre addenta il sub alla testa
Corriere TV - Italia
Le immagini sono state riprese alle Maldive. Uno squalo tigre ha morso un subacqueo sulla nuca mentre nuotava alle Maldive. Lo squalo ...

Ven 29. Nov 13:30 - Maldive: il grosso squalo attacca il sub e cerca di staccargli la testa
Corriere TV - Italia
Uno squalo tigre ha morso un sub sulla nuca in un popolare sito di immersione delle Maldive. Il subacqueo, che indossava un cappuccio d...

Gio 28. Nov 13:45 - Maldive riconosciute come la miglior destinazione turistica del mondo ...
Il Messaggero - Italia
Il Paese dell'Oceano Indiano è stato premiato ai World Travel Awards ... Le Maldive sono state premiate come 'Miglior destinazione del m...

Mer 27. Nov 13:35 - Perché dal 1 dicembre diventerà molto più costoso andare in vacanza alle Maldive
Fanpage - Italia
Le Maldive aumenteranno significativamente le tasse aeroportuali sui biglietti emessi a partire dal 1 dicembre 2024. Le Maldive sono una...

Mer 27. Nov 13:30 - Maldive, quando il turismo di lusso è sostenibile
Latitudes - Italia
Il brand di hotellerie Atmosphere Core ha ottenuto la prestigiosa certificazione Green Globe in tutti i suoi resort delle Maldive. Esperienze ...

Mer 27. Nov 13:25 - Jasmine Paolini e Sara Errani, in coppia anche alle Maldive: ma che fatica pescare!
iO Donna - Italia
Dopo un anno di successi, le vincitrici dell'oro olimpico a Parigi si godono le Maldive. Tra tuffi, pesca in mare aperto e tanto divertimento, ...

Mar 26. Nov 12:55 - Le vacanze degli azzurri: Natale in famiglia per Sinner, Errani e Paolini ... alle Maldive
UbiTennis - USA
Anche Nardi e Cobolli alle Maldive come da 'tradizione' tennistica. Meritato bagno di folla a Fiumicino per Matteo Berrettini. Dopo una sta...

Lun 25. Nov 19:55 - Maldive, ora Naar svela l’esclusiva Atmosphere Kanifushi
L'Agenzia di Viaggi - Italia
All’Atmosphere Kanifushi Maldive, sull’atollo Lhayiyani, ci si arriva solo a bordo di un idrovolante in 35 minuti dall’aeroporto di Malé. Un p...

Dom 24. Nov 13:00 - Atmosphere Kanifushi Maldives venduto in esclusiva sul mercato italiano da NAAR ...
Gist - Italia
Atmosphere Core e NAAR Bespoke Travel firmano l’esclusiva di vendita di Atmosphere Kanifushi Maldives sul mercato italiano. Le Maldive...

Sab 23. Nov 13:50 - Maldive, quando il turismo di lusso è sostenibile
Latitudes - Italia
Il brand di hotellerie Atmosphere Core ha ottenuto la prestigiosa certificazione Green Globe in tutti i suoi resort delle Maldive. Esperienze ...

Ven 22. Nov 13:45 - Maldive: nuota con gli squali ma viene morsa
Fidelity News - Italia
Una trentenne, in vacanza alle Maldive, avrebbe deciso di fare snorkeling in mezzo agli squali ma, forse avvicinandosi troppo, sarebbe stat...

Gio 21. Nov 14:00 - Le Maldive e l’Italia: arrivano i webinar per il trade tricolore
Guida Viaggi - Italia
Una serie di webinar per il mercato italiano. Li mette in campo Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation con il suo programma...

Mer 20. Nov 13:20 - Visit Maldives rilancia sul mercato Italia con nuovi webinar per il trade
Travel Quotidiano - Italia
Visit Maldives investe ancora sul mercato Italia con l’obiettivo di attrarre un maggior numero di visitatori: 'Discover Maldives' è l’ultima inizi...

Mer 20. Nov 13:15 - Capodanno ai Tropici: Sun Siyam Resorts trasforma le Maldive in un festival ...
T&A ADV Training - Italia
I Sun Siyam Resorts offrono vacanze natalizie e di fine anno trasformando le loro cinque strutture in scenari a tema capaci di soddisfare os...

Mar 19. Nov 12:45 - Capodanno alle Maldive: cinque programmi speciali per altrettanti resort Sun Siyam
Travel Quotidiano - Italia
Una serie di eventi speciali diversi per ognuno dei cinque resort maldiviani di Sun Siyam. E’ il programma per le vacanze di fine anno che...

Lun 18. Nov 13:40 - Gabriele Esposito ... il video della romantica proposta di matrimonio del fidanzato
Perizona - Italia
Gabriele Esposito si sposa con il fidanzato Andrea Pappalettera dopo quattro anni d’amore ... romanticissima vacanza alle Maldive. E pro...

Dom 17. Nov 14:00 - Viaggio di nozze: le 10 mete da sogno per un’esperienza indimenticabile nel 2025
Lifestyleblog - Italia
La scelta della destinazione perfetta per ... 1. Maldive: il paradiso tropicale per eccellenza: Le Maldive rappresentano la quintessenza del ...

Sab 16. Nov 13:25 - Gennaio al sole: le 10 destinazioni perfette per una fuga al caldo
QualityTravel - Italia
Gennaio ... 1. Thailandia: spiagge e cultura ... 2. Maldive: relax totale nel paradiso tropicale. Se si cerca un vero paradiso tropicale, le Ma...

Ven 15. Nov 13:15 - Idee per Viaggiare e il suo 'esclusivo' Iru Veli alle Maldive
L'Agenzia di Viaggi - Italia
Le Maldive si confermano meta di punta per Idee per Viaggiare e vanno verso una sempre maggiore attenzione al prodotto: «L’offerta di r...

Gio 14. Nov 13:05 - Già stanco del freddo? Ecco 4 località meravigliose dove organizzare il tuo Natale ...
Paesi Online - Italia
Scopri le migliori destinazioni tropicali per trascorrere un Natale al caldo ... Maldive: il paradiso del relax e dell'avventura: Se la tua idea d...

Mer 13. Nov 13:35 - Le Maldive contro i dispositivi svapo, novità anche per i turisti
Travelnostop - Canada
Le nuove regolamentazioni sull’uso dei prodotti per lo svapo sono state annunciate dal governo delle Maldive a tutela della salute pubblic...

Mer 13. Nov 13:30 - Un caldo Natale alle Maldive con The Residence Maldives by Cenizaro
Zazoom - Italia
È un’estate che dura dodici mesi quella delle Maldive. Dicembre e Natale compresi. La sabbia continua ad essere come talco e la barriera...

Mar 12. Nov 13:45 - Atmosphere Kanifushi e Naar: nasce una nuova offerta per i viaggi al mare in Italia
Gaeta - Italia
Naar lancia una nuova linea di soggiorni al mare nelle Maldive in partnership con Atmosphere Kanifushi, puntando a soddisfare la doman...

Mar 12. Nov 13:40 - Un caldo Natale alle Maldive con The Residence Maldives by Cenizaro
Zazoom - Italia
È un’estate che dura dodici mesi quella delle Maldive. Dicembre e Natale compresi. La sabbia continua ad essere come talco e la barriera...

Mar 12. Nov 13:35 - Le Maldive si preparano a conquistare vittorie nelle prossime amichevoli
FootBoom - USA
La nazionale delle Maldive è atterrata a Dhaka lunedì, preparando due importanti partite amichevoli FIFA contro il Bangladesh, con l'aspe...

Lun 11. Nov 13:05 - 10 luoghi da sogno per fuggire dal freddo e godersi il Natale al sole
Castellinews - Italia
Se il pensiero del freddo invernale ti fa rabbrividire ... Maldive: un Natale tra lusso e natura incontaminata. Le Maldive sono l’ideale per ch...

Lun 11. Nov 13:00 - Gabriele Esposito si sposa: la romantica proposta alle Maldive del compagno Andrea
Assodigitale - Italia
L’amore di Gabriele Esposito ... proposta di matrimonio che ha sconvolto i social è avvenuta in un contesto da sogno: le splendide Maldive...

Lun 11. Nov 12:55 - ADB aiuterà le Maldive a rafforzare la resilienza al clima e la sicurezza alimentare
ESG Data - Italia
La BAD approva un pacchetto di finanziamento da 21,95 milioni di dollari per rafforzare le capacità delle Maldive. La maggior parte delle...

Dom 10. Nov 13:20 - L’Oceano Indiano preserva la barriera corallina ...
Marine Cue - Italia
L’Oceano Indiano è un’arteria commerciale e un ecosistema variegato ... come quelle delle Maldive e delle Seychelles, e specie marine, t...

Sab 09. Nov 12:30 - Viaggi di Capodanno 2025: suggerimenti originali per avventure indimenticabili
asso digitale - Italia
Viaggi di Capodanno 2025: idee vicine e lontane per partire ... Per chi desidera un’esperienza rilassante le Maldive rappresentano un ang...

Ven 08. Nov 13:10 - Sun Siyam, formula all inclusive h24 in tutti i resort alle Maldive
L'Agenzia di Viaggi - Italia
Interessante novità per chi ama i viaggi alle Maldive: dal mese di novembre in tutte le strutture Sun Siyam Resorts gli ospiti possono usufru...

Gio 07. Nov 14:15 - Un nuovo gioielloper le Maldive:apre Villa Haven
TTG Italia - Italia
Si chiama Villa Haven il nuovo complesso di ville lusso immerse nella vegetazione dell’atollo di Ari Sud. È la novità alta gamma delle Ma...

Gio 07. Nov 14:10 - Nei resort Sun Siyam alle Maldive l’all inclusive diventa h24
Travel Quotidiano - Italia
Novità in casa Sun Siyam che ha deciso di estendere la propria formula all inclusive h24 in tutti i propri resort alle Maldive, dando così agl...


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