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Fr 07. Feb 14:15 - JW Marriott Kaafu Atoll Island Resort: Das neue Luxusjuwel auf den Malediven ...
The Flyght Club - Italien
Das JW Marriott Kaafu Atoll Island Resort ist das neue Luxusziel, das modernes Design, entspannende Räume und eine exklusive Atmosph...

Do 06. Feb 14:55 - Die schönsten Reisebilder der Stars
Gala - Deutschland
Ob Girls-Trip, Familienurlaub ... Um dem nasskalten Winter zu entfliehen, packen sie ihre Koffer und reisen auf die Malediven, nach Florid...

Mi 05. Feb 15:05 - Von Sternenwarte bis U-Boot: 3 außergewöhnliche Hotels auf den Malediven
Die Malediven stehen für türkisblaues Wasser, weiße Sandstrände und luxuriöse Resorts – aber wusstest du, dass einige Hotels hier mit ganz...

Mi 05. Feb 15:00 - Dinner Spots für den Valentinstag: Momente der Magie inklusive!
Falstaff Travel - Österreich
Am 14. Februar darf es schon etwas Besonderes sein! ... Die Malediven eignen sich naturgemäß hervorragend für eine Auszeit mit der Lieb...

Di 04. Feb 14:50 - Mit Manta Reisen auf den Malediven unterwegs
Travelnews - Schweiz
Die Malediven hautnah erleben - diese Chance hatten zwölf Schweizer Reiseprofis auf einer Studienreise mit Manta Reisen. Von luxuriöse...

Di 04. Feb 14:45 - Barceló eröffnet zweites Hotel auf den Malediven
Ahgz - Deutschland
Die spanische Barceló Hotel Group setzt ihren Expansionskurs auf den Malediven fort. In der maledivischen Hauptstadt Malé öffnet ein neu...

Di 04. Feb 14:40 - Malediven: 10 ungewöhnliche Fakten, die du garantiert noch nicht kanntest
Die Malediven stehen wie kaum ein anderes Reiseziel für paradiesische Strände, glasklares Wasser und luxuriöse Resorts. Doch hinter der P...

Mo 03. Feb 15:40 - Die besten Fernreiseziele im März
HolidayCheck - Deutschland
Ein bisschen warm ist Dir zu wenig? ... 1. Costa Rica ... 3. Malediven: Träume in Türkis. Der tropische Inselstaat im Indischen Ozean ist für v...

Mo 03. Feb 15:35 - Christian Pedersen
Gourmet Report - Deutschland
Das St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort hat Christian Pedersen als neuen Executive Chef verpflichtet. Pedersen bringt mehr als zehn Jahre...

So 02. Feb 14:20 - Malediven: Der paradiesische Traum

Ob eine kleine oder große Insel, ist Geschmackssache. Auf den Malediven hat beides seinen Reiz, denn die palmenbewachsenen Erhebun...

So 02. Feb 14:15 - Du bist eine so hübsche Frau: Birgit Schrowange (66) haut Fans im Bikini vom Hocker
Express - Deutschland
Mit 66 Jahren, da fängt das Leben an ...Birgit Schrowange (66) macht aktuell Urlaub mit Ehemann Frank Spothelfer auf den Malediven. B...

Sa 01. Feb 14:50 - Bis zu 20 Prozent Rabatt beim Hilton Sale in Asien & Australien
Frankfurtflyer - Deutschland
Ob Hongkong, Singapur, Sydney, Tokio oder die Malediven ... für Aufenthalte, die zwischen dem 27. Januar 2025 und dem 16. März 2025...

Fr 31. Jan 14:55 - Diese Traumziele möchte Sängerin Vanessa Mai 2025 bereisen
Promiflash - Deutschland
Vanessa Mai (32) hat das Reisefieber gepackt! Die Sängerin zeigt sich auf der Skipiste in Kitzbühel oder auf einer idyllischen Malediven-In...

Do 30. Jan 13:55 - Was tut dieser DJ da auf den Malediven?
Starzone - Schweiz
In unserer Rubrik 'Editors Pick' stellen wir täglich musikalische Perlen ... Cercle auf einem winzigen Eiland auf den Malediven nieder, um d...
see this Cercle Video with Monolink on Youtube

Do 30. Jan 13:50 - Drama um Tirolerin: Dressurreiterin stirbt beim Tauchen auf Malediven
Kronen Zeitung - Österreich
Das Urlaubsparadies Malediven ist erneut zum Schauplatz einer Tragödie geworden ... 44-jährige Tirolerin während eines Tauchausflugs u...

Do 30. Jan 13:45 - Die Malediven: What a Feeling!
Falstaff Travel - Österreich
Von traditionellen asiatischen Beauty-­Treatments inspirierte Gesichtsbehand­lungen ... im Spa des luxuriösen 'One&Only' auf einer der grö...

Mi 29. Jan 13:35 - Sophie Turner sagt, sie brauchte Mädchenreise zu den Malediven, um sich glücklich ...
Option News - Österreich
Sophie Turner Ein Mädchen von Mädchen zu einem tropischen Ort war alles, was sie brauchte ... von ihrem Urlaub an die Malediven in de...

Mi 29. Jan 13:30 - Barceló eröffnet zweites Hotel auf den Malediven
FVW - Deutschland
Die spanische Barceló Hotel Group setzt ihren Expansionskurs auf den Malediven fort. In der maledivischen Hauptstadt Malé öffnet ein neu...

Mi 29. Jan 13:25 - Fiese Entwertung: Marriott Bonvoy schafft Höchstgrenze für Punktenächte ab
Frankfurtflyer - Deutschland
Das Sammeln von Punkten bei Treueprogrammen ... für Top-Hotels, z.B. auf den Malediven, auch bald in den Bereich von 100.000 Punke...

Di 28. Jan 13:55 - Meliá expandiert im Premium- und Luxus-Segment
about Travel - Deutschland
Meliá baut seine Präsenz im Indischen Ozean mit der Unterzeichnung des ersten Hotels auf den Malediven aus. Meliá Hotels International ...

Mo 27. Jan 14:45 - Thomas Gottschalk teilt private Einblicke - Fans reagieren deutlich
Thüringen24 - Deutschland
Wie wäre es einfach mal damit das neue Jahr unter strahlendem Sonnenschein zu beginnen? ... auf den Malediven und lässt es sich gut g...

Sa 25. Jan 17:20 - Flüge auf die Malediven sind günstiger als eine Woche Skiferien»
20 min - Schweiz
Skifahren im grossen Skigebiet kann sich der Mittelstand kaum noch leisten ... Es ist manchmal günstiger, auf die Malediven zu fliegen, als ...

Fr 24. Jan 13:25 - Steigende Ökosteuer auf den Malediven ab 2025: Wird der Urlaub unerschwinglich?
Merkur - Deutschland
Die Malediven planen eine Erhöhung der Ökosteuer im Jahr 2025 – könnte dies den Traumurlaub unbezahlbar machen? Hier finden Sie a...

Do 23. Jan 14:35 - Thomas Gottschalk im PAARadies
Bild - Deutschland
Hand in Hand im Glück: Thomas Gottschalk (74) und Ehefrau Karina (63) urlauben gerade auf den Malediven. Sand zwischen den Zehen, ...

Do 23. Jan 14:30 - Schwimmende Städte - Klimawandel erfordert neue Ideen
TV Movie - Deutschland
Hamburg und Bremen gehören zu den Städten, die vom steigenden Meeresspiegel stark betroffen wären, aber auch ... die Malediven. Höh...

Mi 22. Jan 14:10 - Die Schweiz fliegt aus: Das sind die Ferientrends für das Jahr 2025
Watson - Schweiz
Wohin zieht es Herr und Frau Schweizer im Jahre 2025? ... bei den Fernreisen Ägypten, Thailand und die Malediven besonders gefragt sin...

Di 21. Jan 14:00 - Visit Maldives erleuchtet Berlin mit Outdoor-Kampagne im Vorfeld der ITB 2025
Die Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/Visit Maldives) präsentiert stolz eine ehrgeizige Werbekampagne in Deu...
courtesy Sun Online - MMPRC announces large-scale outdoor tourism promotional activity in Germany ahead of ITB Berlin 2025 - (Photo by Visit Maldives)

Di 21. Jan 13:55 - 19 beliebte Urlaubsziele, die ein massives Müllproblem haben
Bali, Indonesien ...Die Mlediven gelten als eines der unberührtesten Inselparadiese der Welt, doch gleichzeitig haben sie ein riesiges Abfa...

Mo 20. Jan 15:10 - Hitze im Februar bricht weltweit Rekorde, Forscher sind alarmiert
Dieser Februar steht laut Meteorologen kurz davor eine Rekordzahl an Hitzerekorden zu brechen ... den Malediven und Belize. Heißes Mee...

So 19. Jan 14:20 - Nach schwerer Krebserkrankung: Amber (17) ... träumt vom Tauchurlaub
NW - Deutschland
Für die Familie Gievers aus Borgholz war die Sorge ... Wird für Amber (17) jetzt der Traum von den Malediven wahr? Spenden sollen helfe...

Sa 18. Jan 14:00 - Reiseblogger über die Malediven: 'Diese 4 Dinge hatte uns vorher niemand gesagt'
WMN - Deutschland
Ist ein Urlaub auf den Malediven so paradiesisch, wie man denkt? Zwei Reiseblogger:innen sprechen über die Realität. Wer an einen Urlau...

Fr 17. Jan 14:50 - Nachhaltiger Tourismus auf den Malediven: Vision oder Illusion?
Nau - Schweiz
Luxus trifft auf Nachhaltigkeit - wie die Malediven zwischen Sehnsuchtsziel und Klimakrise zum Testfall für den Tourismus der Zukunft werd...

Fr 17. Jan 14:45 - Kirchheimer Fotograf erforscht Riffe auf den Malediven
Der Teckbote - Deutschland
Teckboten-Fotograf Carsten Riedl hat als Bürgerwissenschaftler auf einem Forschungsschiff die Vielfalt und Gesundheit der Riffe auf den M...

Do 16. Jan 13:55 - Severina vergnügt sich auf den Malediven und zeigt ihre Bauchmuskeln und ...
Slobodenpecat - Mazedonien
Der kroatische Sänger Severina Vuckovic teilte auf ihrem Instagram-Account mit, dass sie auf den Malediven Urlaub gemacht hatte, und pr...

Mi 15. Jan 14:00 - Berühmte Touristenattraktion auf den Malediven stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogen
OP-online - Deutschland
Das Schiffswrack bei Keyodhoo ist ein beliebter Ort für Unterwasserfans auf den Malediven. Wegen Witterungseinflüssen ist seine Zukunft je...

Di 14. Jan 13:10 - Feedback: Kommunikation von Edelweiss ist eine Katastrophe
about Travel - Schweiz
Marcel Gsell, Inhaber von Sunshine Reisen, äussert sich ... Auch beim heutigen Ablug nach Malé auf den Malediven, für welchen mein Ku...

Di 14. Jan 13:05 - Grüne Reiseziele boomen: Ein Paradigmenwechsel in der Reisebranche
Falstaff - Österreich
In einer Zeit, in der Umwelt- und Klimabewusstsein weltweit zunehmen, orientieren sich Reisende zunehmend an ... Die Malediven: Führe...

Mo 13. Jan 14:50 - Beliebte Touristenattraktion auf den Malediven schwer beschädigt
Travelnews - Schweiz
Das berühmte Schiffswrack bei Keyodhoo im Vaavu-Atoll, ein Magnet für Taucherinnen und Schnorchler, ist durch starke Strömungen und ...

Mo 13. Jan 14:45 - Traumpaar: Sophia Thomalla und Alex Zverev zeigen im Urlaub viel Haut
Sophia Thomalla (35) und Alexander Zverev (27) ... auf den Malediven: Sophia Thomalla und Alexander Zverev lassen es sich aktuell auf ...

So 12. Jan 14:20 - Etihad Business Class Angebote von Deutschland auf die Malediven
Reisetopia - Deutschland
Die Malediven sind ein wahres Urlaubsparadies - und für nur 2.399 Euro könnt Ihr in der Etihad Business Class von München oder Frankfurt ...

Fr 10. Jan 14:30 - Luxus pur! Die Austro-VIPs im Urlaubsparadies
OE24 - Österreich
Malediven, Kanaren und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate als Hotspots ... im Luxusresort The Westin Maldives pro Nacht so viel, wie and...

Do 09. Jan 14:55 - unterwegs - Malediven: Atolle, Wassertaxis und Taucher
ARD Mediathek - Deutschland
Traumhaft weiße Strände, kristallklares Wasser, Ruhe und Erholung versprechen die Reiseprospekte von den Malediven. Moderatorin Andre...

Do 09. Jan 14:50 - Neues Jahr, neue Highlights: Womit die Malediven 2025 punkten
Falstaff - Österreich
Als wäre die atemberaubende Kulisse nicht Buchungsargument genug, gibt es neue Highlights auf den Malediven 2025 zu entdecken. Die ...

Do 09. Jan 14:45 - Trauminseln - Die Malediven (1/3)
Servus on - Österreich
Südwestlich von Indien und Sri Lanka lieg im Indischen Ozean, der Malediven-Archipel. Mehr als 1.000 Inseln erstrecken sich über fast 900...

Do 09. Jan 14:40 - Türkises Meer, feine Sandstrände: 3 Fotos, die Malediven-Flair in dein Wohnzimmer ...
Das rauschende Meer, im Hintergrund geht die Sonne über dem türkisfarbenen Wasserspiegel unter und der weiße Sand ist angenehm weic...

Mi 08. Jan 14:35 - Edelweiss A340 bricht Malediven-Flug ab
Travelnews - Schweiz
Ein Airbus A340 der Edelweiss ist nach einem Triebwerkausfall frühzeitig in Dubai gelandet ... und hatte als Ziel Malé. Nach zunächst unau...

Mi 08. Jan 14:30 - Jessie J teilt süße Grüße aus Familienurlaub auf Malediven
Promiflash - Deutschland
Jessie J (36) und ihr Partner Chanan Colman haben Neujahr mit einem entspannten Luxusurlaub auf den Malediven begonnen - und dabei...


Please excuse, that I don't had enough time every day, to search news about the Maldives

Koch-Videos - Cooking videos - Video di cucina     HAND PICKET MALDIVES NEWS OF THE MONTH    Sprache     Lingua    Koch-Videos - Cooking videos - Video di cucina

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Fri 07. Feb 14:10 - Unforgettable couples’ retreat at The Westin Maldives Miriandhoo Resort
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The Westin Maldives Miriandhoo Resort provides an enchanting setting for an unforgettable celebration of love. Surrounded by swaying pa...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  The Westin Maldives Miriandhoo private Beach-Dinner

Fri 07. Feb 14:05 - Savour love and flavour at Coco Bodu Hithi’s culinary events this February
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Coco Bodu Hithi, an authentic Maldivian retreat set in the crystal-clear waters of Malé Atoll, presents a gourmet getaway with a newly curat...

Fri 07. Feb 14:00 - Michelin-starred Chef Iside De Cesare joins The St. Regis Maldives for exclusive ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort, an exclusive luxury retreat situated on a private natural island, has partnered with Michelin-starred...

Fri 07. Feb 13:55 - Love story in five chapters: Valentine’s at Mercure Maldives Kooddoo
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Every love story deserves a setting that reflects its depth, passion, and intimate moments. This Valentine’s season, Mercure Maldives Koodd...

Fri 07. Feb 13:50 - AMRA Skincare arrives at Javvu Spa, Amilla Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Javvu Spa at Amilla Maldives introduces an elevated realm of rejuvenation with the launch of AMRA, a renowned skincare line rooted in n...

Fri 07. Feb 13:45 - Constance Moofushi Maldives: Mastering Sustainability in the South Ari Atoll
Newswires - USA
Constance Moofushi Maldives in the South Ari Atoll has successfully earned the prestigious Green Globe Platinum certification, affirming th...

Fri 07. Feb 13:40 - Amilla Maldives receives fourth consecutive EarthCheck silver certification
Travel Daily Media - USA
The resort is also one of only five in the country to be part of Forbes Travel Guide ... Island resort Amilla Maldives received additional indus...

Fri 07. Feb 13:35 - Maldives’ free holiday campaign wins many hearts
TTG Asia - Singapore
The Maldives’s newly launched destination campaign, the World’s Biggest Getaway, which dishes out free holidays to lucky winners through...

Fri 07. Feb 13:30 - Influencer is left covered in blood after ... attacked by a shark while filming in Maldives
Mail Online - UK
This is the moment a blood-soaked influencer asked friends whether she might die after being attacked by shark while snorkelling in the Ma...

Thu 06. Feb 14:50 - Echoes of tradition: timeless rhythm of Boduberu at Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Steeped in history and rhythm, the Boduberu drummers have echoed for centuries carrying with them stories of seafarers, islanders, and a c...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives

Thu 06. Feb 14:45 - Siyam World welcomes Javier Saviola for youth football extravaganza
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Siyam World Maldives' is inviting young football enthusiasts to take part in an extraordinary experience with Argentine football legend Javi...

Thu 06. Feb 14:40 - Maldives Marine Expo 2025 Begins in Hulhumalé
MV+ - Maldives
The Maldives Marine Expo 2025, the country’s longest-running marine industry event, commenced today at Central Park, Hulhumalé, bring...

Thu 06. Feb 14:35 - VIA terminal will be open for services before October: Pres. Muizzu
Raajje - Maldives
President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has stated that the new terminal of Velana International Airport (VIA) will be opened, and services will beg...

Thu 06. Feb 14:30 - Gov’t to seek parties for Addu Bridge’s technical works this month
Avas - Maldives
The government will seek parties to conduct the detailed survey, engineering and designing of the Addu Bridge Project this month, Preside...
courtesy Google Earth - Addu Atoll satellitephoto Screenshot

Thu 06. Feb 14:25 - A Guide to Swimming with 'Friendly' Sharks in the Maldives to avoid an Attack ...
NDTV - India
Don't turn your dream of swimming with sharks into a nightmare like this travel vlogger by following these tips. The crystal-clear waters of th...

Thu 06. Feb 14:20 - Patina Maldives, Fari Islands unveils soul-freeing experiences for Q1 2025
The Borough Hounslow Herald - UK
Transformative luxury sanctuary Patina Maldives Fari Islands, has revealed the latest chapter of its ongoing lifestyle programming signature...

Thu 06. Feb 14:15 - Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives showcases Maldivian Heritage through Boduberu ...
Newswires - USA
Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives is offering guests a deeper connection to Maldivian culture through the rhythmic and immersive experience o...

Thu 06. Feb 14:10 - Why the Maldives Is the Best Place to Swim with Manta Rays
The Maldives, an archipelago of over 1,200 islands in the Indian Ocean, boasts a unique environment that makes it ideal for manta ray sig...

Thu 06. Feb 14:05 - Visit Maldives Club opens Registration for BurunuBoma 2025 ... in Maldives
The Visit Maldives Club (VMC) has officially opened registrations for BurunuBoma 2025, the most prestigious sport fishing competition in th...

Thu 06. Feb 14:00 - Eight Dreamy Escapes to Savor Endless Summer in the Maldives
Drift Travel - USA
Imagine a place where summer never fades - a realm of endless turquoise waters ... in the Maldives and enjoy the perks of the ‘Endless Su...

Wed 06. Feb 14:55 - JW Marriott’s latest Maldivian retreat opens in Kaafu Atoll
Maldives Insider - Maldives
JW Marriott, part of Marriott Bonvoy’s portfolio of over 30 luxury hotel brands, has announced the opening of JW Marriott Kaafu Atoll Island...
courtesy Maldives Insider - JW Marriot Maldives

Wed 06. Feb 14:50 - Love, adventure + island magic at Sun Siyam Olhuveli’s Valentine’s extravaganza
Maldives Insider - Maldives
This Valentine’s Day, Sun Siyam Olhuveli Maldives will once again serve as the backdrop for an unforgettable celebration of love and har...

Wed 06. Feb 14:45 - Create Unforgettable Romantic Memories at CROSSROADS Maldives
Visit Maldives - Maldives
This Valentine’s Day, whisk your loved one away to a paradise where romance is in the gentle lapping of turquoise waves, the golden hues ...

Wed 06. Feb 14:40 - Registration open for 'BurunuBoma' - Maldives biggest Sport Fishing Tournament!
Visit Maldives - Maldives
The Visit Maldives Club (VMC), opened participation for the Maldives’ biggest sports fishing tournament, “Burunu Boma,• scheduled to take...

Wed 05. Feb 14:35 - With 80 private pool villas JW Marriott unveils Kaafu Atoll Island Resort in Maldives
JW Marriott from Marriott Bonvoy’s portfolio, has expanded its presence in the Maldives with the launch of JW Marriott Kaafu Atoll Island R...

Tue 05. Feb 14:30 - Lebanese Couturier Elie Saab Designs Resort Interiors in the Maldives
Cairo Scene - USA
Dubai-based Samana Developers has partnered ... Elie Saab, marking Saab’s first foray into real estate and interior design in the Maldives ...

Wed 05. Feb 14:25 - Talk the boss into funding your manta dive-trip!
Divernet - USA
The Manta Trust is encouraging a new way of corporate team-building ... manta habitats covered by the programme include the Maldives ...

Wed 05. Feb 14:20 - Angsana Velavaru appoints Mrinal Shanker as GSA India - Director of Sales
Travel Trade Journal - USA
Angsana Velavaru Spa and Resort, Maldives, has appointed Mrinal Shanker as its GSA India – Director of Sales, further strengthening its pr...

Wed 05. Feb 14:15 - Beautiful island that's 31C in February and has direct flights from the UK
Mirror - UK
The Maldives is the perfect destination for those looking to escape the winter blues, with 31C temperatures in February and direct flights av...

Tue 04. Feb 14:35 - Legendary Chef Janice Wong To Create ‘edible’ Maldivian-Themed Art
VisitMaldives - Maldives
OZEN LIFE MAADHOO To Host Exclusive Culinary Collaboration Curating Chocolate Masterpieces and Immersive Dessert Experiences. Fo...

Tue 04. Feb 14:30 - Art-of-Fire Culinary Journey with Chef Jord Althuizen at Coco Bodu Hithi
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Coco Bodu Hithi, an authentic Maldivian retreat located approximately 35-minute speedboat ride away from Velana International Airport, ...

Tue 04. Feb 14:25 - Fushifaru Maldives hosts Italian Dessert Tasting Experience by ... Damiano Carrara
VisitMaldives - Maldives
On 15th January 2025, Fushifaru Maldives delighted dessert enthusiasts with 'Sweet Escape', an exclusive dessert-tasting experience curate...

Tue 04. Feb 14:20 - 70 percent of tourists traveling to Maldives flock to luxury stays in 2025
Raajje - Maldives
China has topped the leading source of tourists. 1,134 tourist accommodation establishments are operational. In the first three days of Febr...

Tue 04. Feb 14:15 - EPA probes case of taking sand from protected island
The Edition - Maldives
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has launched an investigation into the illegal extraction of sand from Shaviyani atoll Farukolhu, a...
courtesy The Edition - Shaviyani atoll Farukolhu Islabd aerial-view

Tue 04. Feb 14:10 - Luxury Escapes best deals, discounts on hotels, tours and cruises
News Checkout - Australia
Indulge in the holiday of a lifetime with 50 per cent off this 'fabulous' Maldives resort described by customers as 'heaven on earth'. You kno...

Tue 04. Feb 14:05 - Live large in the best hotels in the Maldives
Womens Weekly - USA
Can you imagine a more relaxing time than lounging by endless white sand beach in one of the region’s best hotels in the tropical Maldive...

Tue 04. Fen 14:00 - Diving into an ocean of bliss at the Sun Siyam Resorts
Hello Monaco - Monaco
The Maldives archipelago is generously offering its immense ocean and tranquil lagoons for those in search of true nature and an exotic p...

Tue 04. Feb 13:55 - I went to Claudia Winkleman's go-to exotic holiday spot and ... adventurous activities
Mirror - UK
Inspired by Claudia Winkleman's exotic getaway to the Maldives, our head of shopping Zoe Cripps went in search of wellness and whale sh...

Mon 03. Feb 15:30 - Celebrating World Wetlands Day at Canareef Resort Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
As the world comes together to celebrate World Wetlands Day on February 2nd, Canareef Resort Maldives stands proud as a beacon of natu...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Canareef Resort Maldives

Mon 03. Feb 15:25 - Janice Wong brings edible art to OZEN LIFE MAADHOO
Maldives Insider - Maldives
For those with a refined sweet tooth and a love for the Maldives, THE OZEN COLLECTION has announced an exclusive collaboration with ...

Mon 03. Feb 15:20 - Celebrity Chef Jord Althuizen brings his BBQ mastery to Coco Bodu Hithi
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Coco Bodu Hithi, an authentic Maldivian retreat located approximately a 35-minute speedboat ride from Velana International Airport, is se...

Mon 03. Feb 15:15 - Celebrating World Wetlands Day at Canareef Resort Maldives: A Sanctuary of ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
As the world comes together to celebrate World Wetlands Day on February 2nd, Canareef Resort Maldives stands proud as a beacon of nat...

Mon 03. Feb 15:10 - Six Senses Laamu General Manager Injured in Attack
MV+ - Maldives
The general manager of Six Senses Laamu was injured in an attack within the resort premises, according to police reports. Details remain s...

Mon 03. Feb 15:05 - Maldives Showcases Tourism at New York’s Travel & Adventure Show
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
The Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC), in collaboration with the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Maldi...

Mon 03. Feb 15:00 - MMPRC hosts Maldivian Night in Mumbai with 300 artists and influencers
Avas - Maldivesd
The Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) has hosted a ‘Maldivian Night’ in Mumba, bringing together 300 India...

Mon 03. Feb 14:55 - Dheema and Munsif ranks first in Maldives' TT
The Edition - Maldives
In the first table tennis tournament of the year, the ranking tournament, Fathimath Dheema Ali and Moosa Munsif Ahmed have emerged as...

Mon 03. Feb 14:50 - Loves takes Center Stage this Valentine’s Day at Sun Siyam Iru Fushi
Layalina Privee
Sun Siyam Iru Fushi sets the stage for the ultimate Valentine’s getaway from February 10 to 16, 2025, with indulgent dining, rejuvenating s...

Mon 03. Feb 14:45 - Dive Worldwide Introduces Snorkeling-Only Liveaboards
deeper Blue - USA
In an industry first, Dive Worldwide ... initial offering will be two liveaboards, one based in the Coral Triangle and the other in the Maldives ...

Sun 02. Feb 14:10 - Celebrate love in style at Hilton Maldives Amingiri Resort & Spa
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Hilton Maldives Amingiri Resort & Spa offers guests an opportunity to celebrate Valentine’s Day in a romantic all-pool villa retreat in the Ind...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Beach Sunset-Dinner at the Hilton Maldives Amingiri Resort

Sun 02. Feb 14:05 - Constance Maldives Resorts shine in Traveller Review Awards
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Constance Hotels, Resorts & Golf has once again been recognised in the prestigious Traveller Review Awards, reflecting its un...

Sun 02. Feb 14.00 - Loves Takes Center Stage This February At Sun Siyam Iru Fushi
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Sun Siyam Iru Fushi sets the stage for the ultimate Valentine’s getaway from February 10 to 16, 2025, with indulgent dining, rejuvenating s...

Sun 02. Feb 13.55 - The St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort and Le Méridien Maldives Resort & Spa ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Both resorts were celebrated among Reader’s Favorite Overseas Hotels by Travel + Leisure China, showcasing their exceptional service, wor...

Sun 02. Feb 13:50 - Gov’t Explores Collaboration with Tourist Resorts to Expand Agriculture
PSM News - Maldives
The government on Sunday launched a new initiative to explore possible collaborations with tourist resorts to increase opportunities for the ...

Sun 02. Feb 13:45 - Tourist drowns in Ukulhas
The Edition - Maldives
A tourist vacationing in Alifu Alifu Ukulhas passed away from drowning today. Police said the deceased was a 75 year old male from Uzbeki...

Sun 02. Feb 13:40 - Maldives prepares for longest single open water dive record
The Edition - Maldives
Maldives has begun preparations to claim the world record for the longest single open water dive. The 'Across Maldives Dive' organised by ...

Sun 02. Feb 13:35 - Use of propeller guards in SAMPA made mandatory
Avas - Maldives
The use of propeller guards on vessels active at the South Ari Marine Protected Area (SAMPA) has been made mandatory. The SAMPA are...
courtesy PSM News - Divers with Whaleshark

Sun 02. Feb 13:30 - The Maldives and the Rising Sea Levels
The Maldives is truly a unique wonder of the world, but it faces a daunting challenge due to its low elevation. 5 meters above sea level it h...

Sun 02. Feb 13:25 - One singer got married, another flaunted her swimsuits: Ukrainian ... in the Maldives
News You (Novyny You) - USA
The Maldives has long become a place where stars fly not just to sunbathe, but also to fulfill their most cherished dreams. Some are there t...

Sun 02. Feb 13:20 - Triptii Dimri Shares Glimpses from Her Tropical Maldives Getaway
Triptii Dimri has taken off to The Maldives for another fun vacay, and she has been dropping some excerpts from her most recent trip on soc...

Sun 02. Feb 13:15 - After Divorce With Teuku Ryan, Ria Ricis Failed To Get Endorse To Maldives
VOI - Indonesia
Content creator Ria Ricis had to give up one of the opportunities to go on vacation while working at Maldives. This was said by Ria Ricis in ...

Sat 01. Feb 14:45 - Transformative wellness journeys at Amilla Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Amilla Maldives is offering guests a curated selection of transformative wellness experiences in the coming months with some exceptional h...
see this Youtube Video from Amilla Fushi

Sat 01. Feb 14:40 - Addu Hankede bridge officially opened for public
One online - Maldives
The newly constructed Hankede Data Link Road in Addu City has been opened to the public. The road part of the Addu Road and Storm W...

Sat 01. Feb 14:35 - JW Marriott Maldives Resort & Spa: A Bucket-List escape for all ages
Forbes - USA
Set on pristine Vagaru Island, JW Marriott Maldives Resort & Spa combines opulence nature and heartfelt hospitality to create a transforma...

Sat 01. Feb 14:30 - I visited the backpackers’ version of the Maldives - go now before it’s too late
Metro - UK
Palm trees laden with fresh coconuts. Rippling azure ocean. Ivory sands ... Perhaps you’ve painted a mental picture of the Maldives, but thi...

Sat 01. Feb 14:25 - Valentine’s Day in the Maldives: The Most Romantic Spots
Falstaff Travel - Austria
What could be more romantic than spending Valentine’s Day in the Maldives? Not much, that’s for sure. Here are the most beautiful places ...

Sat 01. Feb 14:20 - Top 10 best Beaches in the Maldives for Nature Seekers: Discover Paradise ...
Zeenews - USA
The Maldives, with its stunning beaches and clear waters, is a haven for nature lovers. Discover the top 10 beaches that offer a perfect blen...

Sat 01. Feb 14:15 - A reimagined W Maldives offering nature-inspired 77 villas to reopen in March 2025
Travel Daily Media - USA
W Maldives, the iconic luxury resort nestled in the North Ari Atoll, is set to welcome guests back on 1st March 2025 with a bold, full-scale tra...

Sat 01. Feb 14:10 - InterContinental Maldives Maamunagau Resort Launches 4th Manta Retreat
Ireland's Travel Trade Network - Ireland
Following huge success in recent years, InterContinental Maldives Maamunagau Resort has now launched its fourth Manta Retreat. This ye...

Sat 01. Feb 14:05 - Maldives Ends Bonding Option for Tobacco
Tobacco Reporter - USA
Tobacco products can no longer be bonded in the Maldives following an amendment of the island nation’s customs regulations, reports Th...

Fri 31. Jan 14:50 - Sun Siyam Iru Fushi unveils ultimate Valentine’s ... with luxury, music & romance
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sun Siyam Iru Fushi is set to host the ultimate Valentine’s getaway from February 10 to 16, 2025, offering indulgent dining, rejuvenating sp...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Private Breakfast in the Sun Siyam Iru Fushi Pool

Fri 31. Jan 14:45 - Fushifaru Maldives hosts ‘Sweet Escape’ with celebrity Chef Damiano Carrara
Maldives Insider - Maldives
On 15th January 2025, Fushifaru Maldives delighted dessert enthusiasts with ‘Sweet Escape,’ an exclusive dessert-tasting experience curate...

Fri 31. Jan 14:40 - Over 200,000 arrivals recorded so far in January
Raajje - Maldives
More than 200,000 tourists have been welcomed so far in January. This was revealed by the Ministry of Tourism through its latest weekly to...

Fri 31. Jan 14:35 - Speedboat carrying 15 people capsizes mid way
The Edition - Maldives
A speedboat carrying 15 people from R. Ungoofaaru to Sh. Milandhoo capsized yesterday. Ungoofaaru councils president Abdulla Rasheed...
courtesy The Edition - The cupsized Vessel - (Photo by Ahmed Azeem) Ahmed Azeem

Fri 31. Jan 14:30 - W Maldives to unveil a bold new Era of Island Luxury with grand Reopening In March
Hospitalitynet - USA
W Maldives, the iconic luxury resort nestled in the North Ari Atoll, is set to welcome guests back on 1st March 2025 with a bold, full-scale tra...

Fri 31. Jan 14:25 - Maldives underwater restaurant’s five-course $400 menu
Travel Weekly - Australia
Niyama Private Islands Maldives has unveiled world-first five-course US$250 ($400) Nikkei tasting menu at its underwater restaurant Subsix ...

Fri 31. Jan 14:20 - The OG Maldives barefoot eco-luxury resort lets you get hands on with conservation
Travel+Leisure - USA
Sunning, swimming, and starfish evicting - new eco-activities at Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru include booting pesky predators from vulnerable c...

Fri 31. Jan 14:15 - Mayo star Aidan O’Shea’s wife Kristin McKenzie Vass shares ... pix from Maldives
Sunday World - UK
Mayo star Aidan O’Shea’s wife Kristin McKenzie Vass has shared an envy-inducing photo ... on a stunning beach in the Maldives. Aidan an...

Thu 30. Jan 13:40 - Global Experts Unite at Soneva Fushi for Dialogue on Coral Reef Restoration ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Recognising the urgent plight of coral reefs in the Maldives and around the world, the Soneva Foundation Coral Restoration programme co...
courtesy VisitMaldives - Soneva Fushi Tourists and Team

Thu 30. Jan 13:35 - Kuramathi Maldives welcomes Illustrator & Live Event Artist Jo Bird this February
VisitMaldives - Maldives
This February, Kuramathi Maldives invites guests to experience the art of live illustration with renowned artist Jo Bird. Known for transformi...

Thu 30. Jan 13:30 - Experience an island of endless firsts at Kandima Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Kandima Maldives invites you to celebrate love in all its beautiful forms this February 2025, set against a backdrop of azure waters and swa...

Thu 30. Jan 13:25 - Atmosphere Core partners with Italy’s award-winning Prosecco Bottega
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Atmosphere Core, a leading figure in the hospitality industry, has announced a unique collaboration with award-winning Italian lifestyle win...

Thu 30. Jan 13:20 - Missing man while snorkeling still not found
The Edition - Maldives
Afthab Khan, an Indian worker at the resort, was reported missing on Monday while he went snorkeling. A man who went missing while snork...

Thu 30. Jan 13:15 - Addu Hankede Bridge to open to public on Saturday
One online - Maldives
The Addu City Hankede Data Link Road will be opened to the public on Saturday ... The road is part of the Addu Road and Stormwater Dra...
courtesy One online - Part oft the Addu Hankede Bridge

Thu 30. Jan 13:10 - Soneva Unveils the Ultimate Family Offer in the Maldives
Hospibuz - USA
Discover the Ultimate Family Offer at Soneva Fushi and Soneva Jani. Enjoy complimentary nights babysitting, and luxurious Residences fo...

Thu 30. Jan 13:05 - Triptii Dimri’s Maldives vacay includes boats, bikes and sunset
The Statesman - India
Triptii Dimri has taken off to The Maldives for another fun vacay, and she has been dropping some excerpts from her most recent trip on soc...

Thu 30. Jan 13:00 - The Maldives: What a Feeling!
Falstaff Travel - Austria
The Maldives rejuvenate the soul with their mesmerizing color palette - the deep blue of the sky, the white of the coral beaches, and the tur...

Thu 30. Jan 12:55 - Atmosphere Core unveils exclusive partnership with Italy’s award winning Bottega Prosecco
Hotelier India - USA
Atmosphere Core teams up with Bottega to bring exclusive wine experiences to the Maldives. Atmosphere Core, a leading figure in the hos...

Wed 29. Jan 13:20 - New Tapasake Restaurant at One&Only Reethi Rah
Maldives Insider - Maldives
One&Only Reethi Rah introduces the newest gem to its collection of eight distinctive culinary experiences with the debut of Tapasake in th...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Tapasake Restaurant at One&Only Reethi Rah Rah Rah Rah

Wed 29. Jan 13:15 - Root your Love story at Cinnamon Hakuraa Huraa Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Planting a tree is more than just placing roots in the earth - it’s a promise of growth, a symbol of nurturing bonds and a gesture that carries h...

Wed 29. Jan 13:10 - A day since a resort staff went missing while snorkelling
The Edition - Maldives
Authorities have launched search and rescue efforts to look for a staff member from a resort in Raa atoll who went missing after going snorke...

Wed 29. Jan 13:05 - Prices spike drastically with major change in tobacco prices
Raajje - Maldives
The Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) has revealed that prices in the Maldives have spiked by 4.1 percent. The latest quarterly report rel...

Wed 29. Jan 13:00 - The many Ways to experience dreamy Escapes and endless Summer in Maldives
OneArabia - India
Step into an eternal summer sanctuary nestled amidst the serene beauty of the Maldives, a destination where the sun kisses the horizon, an...

Wed 29. Jan 12:55 - Root your love story at Cinnamon Hakuraa Huraa Maldives
Newswires - USA
Planting a tree is more than just placing roots in the earth ... At Cinnamon Hakuraa Huraa Maldives, guests are invited to make this timeless...

Wed 29. Jan 12:50 - Exquisite Mind and Body Wellness Retreats in 2025
Prestige online - USA
Experience rejuvenation at its finest in some of the world’s most luxurious and innovative wellness retreats ... Soneva Soul at Soneva Jani i...

Wed 29. Jan 12:45 - The best beach holidays ever from Maldives luxury to Thailand eco-friendly havens
Sun, sea and sand are usually the main 3 requirements for a getaway ... 1. Maldives luxury resort showdown: Raffles Meradhoo vs Waldorf A...

Wed 29. Jan 12:40 - Sophie Turner sends temperatures soaring ... in the Maldives
Mail Online - UK
Sophie Turner showcased her sensational figure in a purple bikini as she posed for sizzling Instagram snaps during lavish girls trip in the Ma...

Tue 28. Jan 13:50 - Indulge in castaway romance at Sirru Fen Fushi this Valentine’s Day
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sirru Fen Fushi, the Private Lagoon Resort and celebrated member of the Leading Hotels of the World (LHW) collection, is inviting couples ...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Romance at Sirru Fen Fushi this Valentines Day

Tue 28. Jan 13:45 - Celebrate Valentine’s Day with live portraits by Jo Bird at Kuramathi Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
In February 2025, Kuramathi Maldives will welcome guests to explore the art of live illustration with renowned artist Jo Bird. Recognised for...

Tue 28. Jan 13:40 - Unforgettable Valentine’s experiences at Kandolhu Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Kandolhu Maldives offers couples an idyllic romantic retreat this Valentines Day. Set against a breathtaking backdrop of turquoise waters an...

Tue 28. Jan 13:35 - The Calm Spa Sanctuary at JA Manafaru unveils new upgrades
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The Calm Spa Sanctuary at JA Manafaru, situated within a lush tropical forest, has announced a series of renovations designed to enhance...

Tue 28. Jan 13:30 - Nearly 200,000 tourists welcomed in first month of 2025
Raajje - Maldives
This is an 8.6 percent surge in comparison to 2024. About 6,852 tourists are arriving on average every day during January. 178,151 tourist a...

Tue 28. Jan 13:25 - Campaign launched to manage plastic waste in Maldives
Times of Oman - USA
Siyam World Maldives is proud to announce its collaboration with CLEANMaldives under the PLEASE Project (Plastic Free Rivers and Seas...

Tue 28. Jan 13:20 - The Ozen Collection brings a new level of luxury to the Maldives
Travel Daily Media - USA
The Ozen Collection offers an impeccable sanctuary where every guest’s wish is fulfilled ... Consisting of two Maldivian havens, Ozen Reser...

Tue 28. Jan 13:15 - New wellness retreats in the Maldives for 2025
Condé Nast Traveller - India
The dreamy Maldives archipelago consists of 1,192 coral islands spread across 26 atolls submerged in the tropical Indian Ocean, around 17...

Tue 28. Jan 13:10 - Maldives Emerges As Premier Destination For Luxury Travelers
The Pinnacle Gazette - USA
Increasing interest from honeymooners drives expansion and luxury offerings from resorts. The Maldives is positioning itself as one of the wo...

Tue 28. Jan 13:05 - SAMANA Developers & ELIE SAAB unveil exclusive luxury retreat in the Maldives
Business Traveller - USA
SAMANA Developers ... up with luxury brand ELIE SAAB to launch SAMANA Ocean Views Interiors by ELIE SAAB, an exclusive project in t...

Mon 27. Jan 14:40 - JW Marriott Maldives Resort & Spa: A Sanctuary for Couples
VisitMaldives - Maldives
The JW Marriott Maldives Resort & Spa is a sanctuary of romance, nestled within the awe-inspiring beauty of the Maldivian islands. JW Mar...
courtesy VisitMaldives - JW Marriott Maldives Resort Beach Restaurant

Mon 27. Jan 14:35 - Le Méridien Maldives Resort & Spa achieves prestigious Green Globe Certification
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Le Méridien Maldives Resort & Spa is proud to announce its achievement of the esteemed Green Globe Certification, underscoring its ded...

Mon 27. Jan 14:30 - Experience romance and luxury at Amilla Maldives this Valentine’s
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Amilla Maldives invites guests to celebrate Valentine’s Day with a luxurious and romantic getaway package. Guests will enjoy a seamless ar...

Mon 27. Jan 14:25 - Celebration to remember: how Siyam World combined talent, flavour + adventure
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Siyam World’s festive season featured an extraordinary lineup of talent, making it the most remarkable celebration to date. Electrifying perf...

Mon 27. Jan 14:20 - Cargo boat carrying Ramadan gifts runs aground in GA. Atoll
Sun Omline - Maldives
A cargo boat carrying hundreds of sacks of food staples - donations by private company to residents of Nilandhoo and Dhaandhoo for the up...

Mon 27. Jan 14:15 - Police searching for missing Chinese tourist
The Press - Maldives
Police in the Maldives have launched a search operation after a Chinese tourist who arrived in the Maldives last October was reported missi...
courtesy The Press - Chinese Tourist named Su Xiaoning has been missing since October - (Photo Maldives Police)

Mon 27. Jan 14:10 - Elevate your travel list for 2025 with THE OZEN COLLECTION
Hospibuz - USA
Discover the ultimate luxury escape in the Maldives with THE OZEN COLLECTION. Indulge in relaxation, adventure, and wellness on pristi...

Mon 27. Jan 14:05 - Shilpa Shetty learns new skills on her Maldives vacation
Times of India - USA
Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty ... shared several pictures and videos of herself from Maldives. The videos and pictures show the actress enj...

Mon 27. Jan 14:00 - Valentine’s Day Gift Guide 2025: The most exotic Trip Ideas for Romantics
Forbes - USA
The latest Chase Travel data shows that its most popular destinations booked for this year’s Valentine’s Day ... at Anantara Kihavah Maldive...

Sun 26. Jan 13:50 - Celebrate Ramadan in ultimate luxury at The Nautilus Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
This Ramadan, The Nautilus Maldives, an award-winning private island retreat, invites guests to celebrate the sacred month through an exq...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Celebrate Ramadan in ultimate luxury at The Nautilus Maldives

Sun 26. Jan 13:45 - Ayada Maldives: The Perfect Island Escape for Families
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Nestled in the heart of the Indian Ocean, Ayada Maldives offers an enchanting getaway tailored to delight families seeking a blend of adve...

Sun 26. Jan 13:40 - China and Russia drive Record-Breaking Start for Maldives Tourism in 2025
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
The Maldives has started 2025 with a significant surge in tourist arrivals, recording 169,424 visitors between 1st and 25th January - an increa...

Sun 26. Jan 13:35 - Affordable, Reliable and Modern Clean Energy Services for the Maldives
Clean energy is key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals ... Maldives in fact revised its target, stating that the country can beco...

Sun 26. Jan 13:30 - Aidan O'Shea and wife Kristin embark on exotic leg of dreamy honeymoon
Evoke - Ireland
Go big or go home, as they say, and Kristin and Aidan O'Shea did ... The loved-up couple's time in the Maldives comes after a few great w...

Sat 25. Jan 17:15 - Luxury and love at JW Marriott Maldives Resort & Spa
Maldives Insider - Maldives
JW Marriott Maldives Resort & Spa welcomes couples to experience an enchanting romantic retreat on a private island surrounded by pristin...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Beach Dinner at JW Marriott Maldives Resort & Spa Spa Spa Spa

Sat 25. Jan 17:10 - From Grey Herons to Asian Koels: Birdwatchers haven Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The Maldives, celebrated for its sun, sand, and sea, also offers a mesmerising encounter with nature’s avian marvels. Within the picturesque...

Sat 25. Jan 17:05 - Le Meridien Maldives sets benchmark in sustainability with Green Globe recognition
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Le Méridien Maldives Resort & Spa has achieved the prestigious Green Globe Certification, highlighting its dedication to sustainability and...

Sat 25. Jan 17:00 - Renaatus Irumathi: Redefining Oceanfront Luxury Living
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
In the ever-evolving realm of real estate, where the pursuit of an ideal home involves myriad considerations, Renaatus Irumathi emerges as...

Sat 25. Jan 16:55 - January sees 8.6 percent surge in arrivals compared to last year
Raajje - Maldives
Although Russia topped the tourist source markets into the third week of January, it has been replaced by China. 1,156 tourist accommodati...

Sat 25. Jan 16:50 - MET Office issues weather warning for Central and Northern Maldives
Avas - Maldives
The Maldives Meteorological Service (MET Office) has warned that adverse weather conditions are expected in central and northern Maldiv...
courtesy Avas - Heavy rain and thunderstorms in these areas

Sat 25. Jan 16:45 - Exploring the Maldives as a Non-Swimmer: Things to do, Experiences to have and ...
Outlook Traveller - USA
If you're a non-swimmer with travel plans for The Maldives, then you should not worry too much as there are many other activities you can d...

Sat 25. Jan 16:40 - Your ultimate guide to RAAYA by Atmosphere
Cosmopolitan - USA
Paradise is waiting ... This is what it’s like to wake up and spend the day at RAAYA by Atmosphere in the Maldives. Their dry season runs be...

Sat 25. Jan 16:35 - AMANA Developers + ELIE SAAB Redefine Maldivian Luxury Ocean Views Project
SAMANA Developers the renowned Dubai-based real estate company, has joined forces with global luxury lifestyle brand ELIE SAAB to un...

Sat 25. Jan 16:30 - JW Marriot Kaafu Atoll Island Resort Archives
Globetrender - USA
JW Marriott has opened its second Maldivian resort, a new island development just 15 minutes by speedboat from Velana International Airp...

Sat 25. Jan 16:25 - Why 60% of winter travelers are ditching snow for sand in 2025 ...
Journee Mondiale - France
Did you know that by 2025, over 60% of winter travelers will be seeking warm-weather escapes? ... The Maldives: Where Luxury Meets Unto...

Sab 25. Gen 16:20 - Best Experiences To Enjoy On Maafushi Island Maldives
Exploring Maafushi Island reveals a perfect mix of natural beauty and local culture. With its stunning beaches, clear turquoise waters, and t...

Fri 24. Jan 13:20 - Ifuru Island Resort launches exclusive Fanatics Program for ultimate guest rewards
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Ifuru Island Resort has announced the launch of the Ifuru Fanatics Program, a new membership initiative designed to reward its valued gue...

Fri 24. Jan 13:15 - Bipasha Basu’s intimate birthday celebration at Fushifaru Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Fushifaru Maldives had the privilege of hosting Bollywood power couple Karan Singh Grover and Bipasha Basu for a memorable birthday c...

Fri 24. Jan 13:10 - Heavy showers set to drench Maldives this weekend
Raajje - Maldives
Seas will be moderate becoming rough during showers. MMS has urged all, especially travelers, to be cautious of the adverse weather cond...

Fri 24. Jan 13:05 - Diver films ... she's engulfed by enormous ball of baby pufferfish in the Maldives
Discover Wildlife - USA
As the shoal of fish approached, she realised she was seeing something very rare. A divemaster in the Maldives was in for a special treat wh...

Fri 24. Jan 13:00 - The Perfect Maldives Resort for Every Type of Traveler
Travel+Leisure - USA
Visiting the Maldives with kids? Want an island holiday with a food focus? Consult our guide to the best Maldives resorts for different types o...

Fri 24. Jan 12:55 - Marriott opens second Maldivian resort
Globetrender - USA
Marriott has opened its second Maldivian resort, a new island development just 15 minutes by speedboat from Velana International Airport ...

Fri 24. Jan 12:50 - The dark side of paradise: a solo traveller's haunting experience in the Maldives
The allure of the Maldives is undeniable, often celebrated for its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters and luxurious resorts ... why you barl...

Fri 24. Jan 12:45 - Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives unveils Valentine's Day Experience
Newswires - USA
Set in the serene Vaavu Atoll Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives is offering a unique opportunity for couples to celebrate Valentine’s Day in one...

Fri 24. Jan 12:40 - SAMANA and ELIE SAAB Unite to bring Ocean Views to the Maldives
abc - USA
... Nestled within the Maldivian archipelago, this 507,651-square-foot project is just a short 20-minute speedboat trip from Hanimaadhoo Air...

Fri 24. Jan 12:35 - Maldives: A Family-Friendly Haven for Kids and Parents Alike
News Ghana - Ghana
The Maldives is often regarded as a romantic escape, with its pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and luxurious resorts. However, beyond its ...

Thu 23. Jan 14:25 - Ring in the Year of the Snake with unmatched celebrations at Sun Siyam Resorts
Maldives Insider - Maldives
This Lunar New Year, Sun Siyam Resorts invites travellers to immerse themselves in a kaleidoscope of festivities across its stunning Maldivi...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Ring in the Year of the Snake at Sun Siyam Resorts

Thu 23. Jan 14:20 - Lady Amelia Spencer enjoys blissful getaway at JOALI Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Lady Amelia Spencer, the niece of the late Princess Diana, has returned to the Maldives, this time choosing the ultra-luxurious JOALI Mald...

Thu 23. Jan 14:15 - Emerald Maldives hosts tennis masterclasses with Filippo Volandr
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa, a distinguished 5-star deluxe property and member of The Leading Hotels of the World, has announced a ...

Thu 23. Jan 14:10 - MET issues Yellow Alert from Shaviyani to Vaavu atoll
The Edition - Maldives
Maldives Meteorological Service (MET) has issued a Yellow Alert from Shaviyani atoll to Vaavu atoll, forecasting severe weather condition...

Thu 23. Jan 14:05 - Maldives Promotes Luxury and Sustainable Travel Experiences at FITUR 2025 ...
The Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC), in collaboration with 25 industry partners is promoting the unique trav...

Thu 23. Jan 14:00 - Ifuru Island Maldives: Celebrating ‘Love in Paradise’
National World - USA
Ifuru Island Maldives is the ultimate romantic escape, with 147 luxurious beach suites and villas crafted for couples seeking a modern, eleg...

Thu 23. Jan 13:55 - InterContinental Maldives unveils 2025 manta retreat
ttg Media - USA
Following huge success in recent years, InterContinental Maldives Maamunagau Resort is delighted to launch their fourth Manta Retreat ....

Wed 22. Jan 14:05 - Week-long Easter celebration awaits at NH Collection Maldives Havodda Resort
Maldives Insider - Maldives
NH Collection Maldives Havodda Resort invites you to celebrate Easter like never before, surrounded by the pristine beauty of the Maldives ...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Love and Joy Redefined at Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives

Wed 22. Jan 14:00 - Say ‘yes this Valentine’s at Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Set in Vaavu Atoll, Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives extends an invitation to couples seeking an extraordinary escape to celebrate love this Va...

Wed 22. Jan 13:55 - JA Manafaru celebrates romance with exclusive Valentine’s Day experiences
Maldives Insider - Maldives
This Valentine’s Day, JA Manafaru in the Maldives invites couples to experience an unforgettable celebration of love, offering a range of e...

Wed 22. Jan 13:50 - From pizza to pasta: Alila Kothaifaru Maldives unveils Pibati Sul Mare
Maldives Insider - Maldives
'Pibati' in Sanskrit translates to 'to drink, absorb, or imbibe',reflecting a profound connection to savouring and enjoying sensory experiences ...

Wed 22. Jan 13:45 - Tripadvisor names Ayada Maldives Best of the Best Resort for luxury & excellence
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Ayada Maldives has been recognised as the No. 1 Traveler-Ranked Best of the Best Resort in the Maldives by Tripadvisor for 2024. This pre...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Love and Joy Redefined at Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives

Wed 22. Jan 13:40 - Russia tops tourist source markets as January nears its end
Raajje - Maldives
1,156 tourist accommodation establishments are operational. 91,637 out of the 132,235 visitors recorded by Monday stayed at resorts. Russ...

Wed 22. Jan 13:35 - Nasheed Invites Trump to the Maldives to Observe Climate Change Impact
MV+ - Maldives
Secretary General of Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and former President Mohamed Nasheed invited the newly inaugurated USA Presid...

Wed 22. Jan 13:30 - Trump’s Climate Exit: A Blow to Vulnerable Nations Like the Maldives
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
On 20 January 2025, President Donald Trump signed a series of executive orders, including the withdrawal of the United States from the P...

Wed 22. Jan 13:25 - Guardians of the Deep: Four Seasons Resorts Maldives Pioneering Marine ...
Deccan Chronicle - USA
With its crystal clear waters and vibrant marine life, Maldives is often considered a paradise on earth. But what does it take to keep this para...
courtesy Four Seasons Maldives - Coral Regeneration at Four Seasons Resorts Maldives Landaa Giraavaru Four Seasons Maldives

Wed 22. Jan 13:20 - Christian Pedersen has been appointed Executive Chef at The St. Regis Vommuli ...
Hospitalitynet - USA
The St Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort is thrilled to announce the appointment of Christian Pedersen to Executive Chef. Drawing upon mo...

Wed 22. Jan 13:15 - Tiwa Savage Reflects On Her Solo Vacation To Maldives
tori - Nigeria
Nigerian singer/songwriter, Tiwa Savage has reflected on her recent solo vacation in the Maldives, stating that she was nervous about it bec...

Wed 22. Jan 13:10 - Must be Love Valentine’s Day ideas for a romantic getaway ...
The Scottish Sun - UK
Romance will soon be in the air ... in what must be one of the world’s most romantic destination, the Maldives. Voted awarded No1 Luxury ...

Wed 22. Jan 13:05 - Shriya Saran turns to a Beach Day Classic for her Maldives Vacation ...
NDTV - India
Shriya Saran shared pictures of herself wearing a fabulous beach look during her Maldives holiday. Shriya Saran is a true blue travel enthu...

Tue 21. Jan 13:50 - From sunrise to sunset: Valentine’s Day bliss at Kuda Villingili
Maldives Insider - Maldives
This Valentine’s Day, love takes centre stage at Kuda Villingili, a premier romantic retreat in the Maldives. With its sun-drenched beaches, i...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Love and Joy Redefined at Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives

Tue 21. Jan 13:45 - Dreamlike retreat: explore Maldives with Marriott Bonvoy Resorts
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The Maldives is a destination where summer feels eternal, offering turquoise waters, pristine white sands, and serene tranquility. Through th...

Tue 21. Jan 13:40 - Celebrate Love at Dusit Thani Maldives this February
VisitMaldives - Maldives
This Valentine’s Day, immerse yourself in the ultimate romantic escape at Dusit Thani Maldives where the turquoise waters, pristine beach...

Tue 21. Jan 13:35 - Celebrate Love and Connection at Angsana Velavaru this February
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Celebrate love and connections this Valentine’s Day with an unforgettable escape to Angsana Velavaru, where every moment is crafted to ...

Tue 21. Jan 13:30 - Towing of abandoned vehicles on Hulhumale' roads begins
The Edition - Maldives
Towing of abandoned and old vehicles from the streets of Hulhumale' has begun today. Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation said in a po...

Tue 21. Jan 13:25 - Visit Maldives to launch Taxi Campaign ahead of ITB Berlin 2025
Sun Online - Maldives
The Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/Visit Maldives) has announced a major promotional campaign in Germ...
courtesy Sun Online - MMPRC announces large-scale outdoor tourism promotional activity in Germany ahead of ITB Berlin 2025 - (Photo by Visit Maldives)

Tue 21. Jan 13:20 - Soneva reveals its Ultimate Family Offer in the Maldives
Travel Daily Media - USA
Soneva invites families to rediscover the joys of togetherness with the Ultimate Family Offer at its award-winning resorts in the Maldives. Tai...

Tue 21. Jan 13:15 - Oliver Eller assumes GM role at The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands
TTG Asia - Singapore
Oliver Eller has joined The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands as general manager. Throughout his 32-year career, Eller has held prominen...

Tue 21. Jan 13:10 - Visit Maldives lights up Berlin with Outdoor Campaign ahead of ITB 2025
Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC / Visit Maldives) proudly unveils an ambitious promotional campaign in Ger...

Tue 21. Jan 13:05 - Maldives sets a new Standard in Marine Protection with mandatory Propeller Guards
The Maldives government has reaffirmed its commitment to whale shark conservation by mandating the use of propeller guards on excursio...

Tue 21. Jan 13:00 - Maldives readies for more Chinese visitors
China Daily - China
The Maldives is gearing up to welcome a surge in Chinese tourists, not only to its high-end resorts but also to decent guesthouses with affor...

Mon 20. Jan 15:05 - Heritance Aarah joins forces with LQA for unparalleled guest experiences
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Heritance Aarah, a distinguished Premium All-Inclusive barefoot paradise in the Maldives, has partnered with Leading Quality Assurance (L...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Heritance Aarah

Mon 20. Jan 15:00 - Love, luxury, and lasting memories at Angsana Velavaru
Maldives Insider - Maldives
This Valentine’s Day, love and connections take centre stage at Angsana Velavaru, offering an unforgettable escape designed to strengthen...

Mon 20. Jan 14:55 - Legendary Chris De Burgh to Serenade Guests at Waldorf Astoria Ithaafushi ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
This Valentine’s Day, Waldorf Astoria Maldives Ithaafushi is set to elevate the romance and charm with an unforgettable evening featuring i...

Mon 20. Jan 14:50 - Kuramathi Maldives and Campioni Soccer Academy kick off the Ultimate Summer ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Looking for the ultimate family Summer escape? Kuramathi and Campioni have you covered for 2025. Imagine a holiday where your child...

Mon 20. Jan 14:45 - Eight Dreamy Escapes to Savor Endless Summer in the Maldives
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Marriott Bonvoy’s collection of resorts in the Maldives invites guests to revel in the allure of eternal sunshine and explore unforgettable tropi...

Mon 20. Jan 14:40 - Thelu Veliga Retreat leasehold Rights offered for Tender
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
The Bank of Ceylon has announced the tender sale of the leasehold rights to Thelu Veliga Retreat, a five-star, 30-villa luxury island resort l...

Mon 20. Jan 14:35 - Maldives Begins Research on Historic Site Discovered on Kaashidhoo
PSM News - Maldives
The Ministry of Dhivehi Language, Culture and Heritage has initiated efforts to study the historic site uncovered during an excavation in Ka...
courtesy PSM News - Research teams excavating the historic site buried deep around Kaasidhoos Old Friday Mosque

Mon 20. Jan 14:30 - Heritance Aarah Maldives Partners with Leading Quality Assurance
Newswires - USA
Heritance Aarah, an exceptional premium all-inclusive barefoot paradise in the Maldives, has partnered with Leading Quality Assurance (L...

Mon 20. Jan 14:25 - There’s Paradise in Maldives - Biodun Okeowo
Vanguard Allure - USA
Nollywood actress and filmmaker Biodun Sofuyi Olabiyi, better known as ... Biodun’s love for the Maldives goes beyond its stunning beache...

Mon 20. Jan 14.20 - Taj Burrow wins Maldives Surfing Championship Trophy
Surfing WA - Australia
Western Australian surfing legend Taj Burrow has clinched victory at the Surfing Championships Trophy ... in the Maldives. The event kicke...

Mon 20. Jan 14:15 - 'We spent £9,000 on a week in the Maldives and the weather was same as the UK'
National World - UK
A holidaymaker claims her boyfriend forked out £10,000 on a sunset villa in the Maldives - only to get four hours of sun and more rain than ...

Mon 20. Jan 14:10 - Kuramathi Maldives and Campioni Soccer Academy to host summer kids football ...
Sports Tourism News - USA
Renowned Maldivian resort Kuramathi and Campioni Soccer Academy have announced a series of football camps for children aged 4-15 d...

Mon 20. Jan 14:05 - Marriott Bonvoy announces its Asia-Pacific hotel openings for 2025
Travel Daily Media - USA
Marriott Bonvoy just announced a series of highly anticipated hotel openings ... JW Marriott Hotels & Resorts, the re-opening of W Maldives...

Sun 19. Jan 14:15 - Exclusive offers and curated experiences at Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Imagine a tiny island nestled in the heart of the Indian Ocean, where warm sand meets gently lapping waves, creating the perfect setting fo...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Photo Collage Cinnamon Hakuraa Huraa Maldives

Sun 19. Jan 14:10 - Tradition + romance: twin-island escapes Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru + Dhawa Ihuru
Maldives Insider - Maldives
This New Year, Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru and Dhawa Ihuru invite travellers to embark on an extraordinary twin-island escape. Nestled in the...

Sun 19. Jan 14:05 - Honour Cherished Traditions with Island Bliss at Jumeirah Olhahali Island
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Celebrate the Year of the Snake with bespoke dining, enriching rituals and tranquil island moments at Jumeirah Olhahali Island. This Year...

Sun 19. Jan 14:00 - CROSSROADS Maldives hosts vibrant Celebrations for Lunar New Year
VisitMaldives - Maldives
The Maldives' first multi-island destination, CROSSROADS Maldives, is all set to usher in the Year of the Snake with two days of extraordin...

Sun 19. jan 13:55 - Siyam World joins forces with Cleanmaldives under the Please Project ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Siyam World Maldives is proud to announce its collaboration with CLEANMaldives under the PLEASE Project (Plastic Free Rivers and Sea...

Sun 19. Jan 13:50 - Maldives Capital urges Children to stay Indoors over Hazardous Air Quality
PSM News - Maldives
The Health Protection Agency (HPA) has warned caution over the current hazardous air pollution levels in the capital Male’ urging children...

Sun 19. Jan 13:45 - New fish species found in Maldivian waters
Maldives Voice - Maldives
A new species of fish has been discovered in the Maldives by researchers working with the Maldives Marine Research Institute (MMRI). Nam...

Sun 19. Jan 13:40 - Conscious Luxury In Maldives Paves Way For Saving Coral Reefs
Outlook India - USA
Coral reefs around the world are under severe threat, says UNEP. With conscious luxury gaining momentum among world travellers, Maldivi...

Sun 19. Jan 13:35 - Agoda's 2025 travel calendar: A month-by-month guide to Asia
Japan Today - USA
Digital travel platform Agoda has unveiled a list of destinations in Asia for ... February: Maldives: This tropical paradise boasts pristine beac...

Sat 18. Jan 13:55 - Yellow alert over Southern Atolls
The Press - Maldives
Maldives Meteorological Services, the Met Office has issued a yellow alert over the Southern Atolls today. It said that the alert was issued fr...
courtesy Maldives Insider - MNDF Coast guard ship in rough weather conditions - (Photo by the MNDF)

Sat 18. Jan 13:50 - Welcome in Year of the Snake at Amilla Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Welcome in the Year of the Snake with celebrations and a vibrant programme of festivities at Amilla Maldives from 26th to 30th January 20...

Sat 18. Jan 13:45 - Man stranded at sea rescued
One online - Maldives
A man was rescued today near Villimale’ after being caught in the sea. The incident was reported at 1555hrs according to police. The man...

Sat 18. Jan 13:40 - Soneva unveils the Ultimate Family Offer in the Maldives
BW Hotelier - USA
Soneva offers families to rediscover the joys of togetherness with the Ultimate Family Offer at its award-winning resorts in the Maldives, Son...

Sat 18. Jan 13:35 - Dream Maldives holiday hotel room leaves people saying ‘no thanks’
Mirror - UK
Social media users have been left saying 'no thanks' after a travel influence shared a video clip of a stunning hotel room in the Maldives. T...

Sat 18. Jan 13:30 - The Maldives: Paradise Lost?
Marketed as a luxury tourist destination, the Maldives struggles with the legacy of an authoritarian government and the existential threat of ...

Sat 18. Jan 13:25 - Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts Maldives sets standards in sustainability
open PR - Germany
Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts Maldives is committed to sustainable tourism with an extensive program of ESG (Environmental, Social, Gover...

Sat 18. Jan 13:20 - Shy’ creature peaks out from safety of coral reef in the Maldives. It’s a new species
Off the coast of the Maldives the coral reef 'twilight zone' is buzzing with life. This section of reef - categorized as coral reefs at depths betw...

Fri 17. Jan 14:40 - Tropical elegance meets cultural heritage: SO/ Maldives’ festive celebration
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Step into a realm of unparalleled luxury and avant-garde elegance as SO/ Maldives prepares to celebrate Chinese New Year in high style f...
courtesy Maldives Insider - SO/ Maldives  aerial-vierw

Fri 17. Jan 14:35 - Family fun meets Premier League coaching: Kuramathi and Campioni experience
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Families seeking the ultimate summer escape in 2025 will find the perfect destination with Kuramathi and Campioni. These two exception...

Fri 17. Jan 14:30 - Sun Siyam Resorts honoured at Target Taste Awards 2024
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sun Siyam Resorts has announced its receipt of the prestigious 2024 Target Taste Award for ‘Overseas Island Hotel Group.’ The accolade w...

Fri 17. Jan 14:25 - Number of operational tourist facilities decline
Raajje - Maldives
Maldives currently has a capacity of 1,170 tourist facilities, which include 151 safari vessels, 825 guesthouses, 15 hotels, and 179 resorts. T...

Fri 17. Jan 14:20 - Gov’t Reveals Breakthrough in Efforts to Reopen Shangri-La resort
PSM News - Maldives
Minister of Tourism, Ibrahim Faisal has revealed a major breakthrough in the government’s ongoing efforts to reopen and resume operation...

Fri 17. Jan 14:15 - EPA orders to cease feeding rays and skates
The Edition - Maldives
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued an order to cease feeding all species of rays and skates in the Maldives. In a statement ...
courtesy The Edition - Snorkelling with Manta Rays at the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Maldives in Baa Atoll - (Photo by Manta Trust)

Fri 17. Jan 14:10 - Resort review: Adaaran Select Meedhupparu Maldives
The London Economic - UK
I'm a culture and history travel buff. I used to scoff at holidays to the Maldives. Boy, was I wrong. It is simply the best place to go on holiday ...

Fri 17. Jan 14:05 - Sun Siyam Olhuveli South Malé Atoll, Maldives
The Telegraph - UK
A great value, unstuffy Maldives stay with rustic but contemporary beachfront and overwater villas, plus tonnes of facilities for families and a...

Fri 17. Jan 14:00 - World Report 2025: Rights Trends in Maldives
Human Rights Watch - USA
Since assuming office in November 2023, President Mohamed Muizzu’s administration has made little progress on human rights, failing to ...

Fri 17. Jan 13:55 - InterContinental Maldives launches the ultimate Valentines gift
ttg Media - USA
InterContinental Maldives Maamunagau Resort has unveiled an indulgent package for couples this Valentine’s Day, in collaboration with h...

Fri 17. Jan 13:50 - Ferrari seats, Beats headphones & BeOnd: Inside Maldives all business class airline
Offering business class flights at a fraction of the cost, this airline says it’s creating a new niche in luxury travel. Registered in the Maldives a...

Thu 16. Jan 13:50 - Experience renewal and celebration at The Westin Maldives this Lunar New Year
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The Westin Maldives Miriandhoo Resort invites guests to celebrate the Chinese New Year with its event, ‘Lunar Reflection: An Uplifting Beg...
courtesy Maldives Insider - The Westin Maldives Lunar New Year

Thu 16. Jan 13:45 - Dream romantic getaway at Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa invites couples to celebrate love this Valentine’s season with its exclusive Romantic Escape Off...

Thu 16. Jan 13:40 - The Standard, Huruvalhi Maldives wins ‘Best Overseas Hotel’ award at Voyage ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The Standard, Huruvalhi Maldives has received the prestigious title of “Best Overseas Hotel• at the 2024 Voyage Best Hotel & Resort Award...

Thu 16. Jan 13:35 - Centara unveils The Centara Collection; rebrands Centara Grand ... as Machchafushi ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Centara Hotels & Resorts, Thailand’s leading hotel operator has announced the launch of The Centara Collection, a curated portfolio of on...

Thu 16. Jan 13:30 - Kuda Villingili Resort ... honoured with 2024 Travel + Leisure China Travel Awards ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives has reached new heights of recognition, proudly claiming two prestigious industry awards that highlight its ...

Thu 16. Jan 13:25 - Weather expected to clear up next week, resulting in calmer seas
Sun Online - Maldives
The weather will clear up in a large part of the Maldives starting next week, according to the national weather agency. The Maldives Meteo...

Thu 16. Jan 13:20 - Ooredoo Maldives Lucky Draw Winners set off for Doha Marathon
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Two lucky winners from Ooredoo Maldives’ lucky draw have embarked on an exciting journey to participate in the prestigious Doha Maratho...
courtesy Corporate Maldives - Mohamed Azuhad and Thariq Mohamed Rasheed, were accompanied by Ooredoo staff members Hamzeena Fuad and Hussain Faraz Mohamed

Thu 16. Jan 13:15 - Michelin Star Guest Chef Series Returns to Anantara Veli Maldives
Luxury Travel Advisor - USA
Anantara Veli Maldives Resort has announced the return of its “Around The World Michelin Star Guest Chef Series•—with a twist. In line wit...

Thu 16. Jan 13:10 - Win a Maldives twin-centre fam place with Jetset
Travel Gossip - UK
Jetset Holidays giving agents the chance to win one of six places on a twin-centre fam trip to the Maldives. The incentive, in partnership wit...

Thu 16. Jan 13:05 - Maldives’ taxing gambit
Hotel Investment Today - USA
Maldives welcomes tourists with hefty taxes that will test the resilience of affluent travelers and investors. Will it remain a dream destination ...

Thu 16. Jan 13:00 - US-Maldives advance talks on climate, economic growth, maritime security
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken held a meeting with the Maldives Foreign Minister, Moosa Zameer in Washington, DC, which aimed t...

Wed 15. Jan 13:55 - Celebrate love and marine wonders this Valentine’s Day at Nova Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Couples are invited to experience a unique underwater romance with extraordinary ocean adventures in the South Ari Atoll this Valentine’s...

Wed 15. Jan 13:50 - Henry’s Pizza goes global: Verdy’s vision debuts at Patina Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The celebrated Japanese artist and designer Verdy brought his distinctive creative vision to the tranquil shores of the Maldives through a po...

Wed 15. Jan 13:45 - Around the world with Michelin Stars: Anantara Veli unveils 2025 guest chef lineup
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Anantara Veli Maldives Resort has announced the return of its Around The World Michelin Star Guest Chef Series for 2025, promising unfo...

Wed 15. Jan 13:40 - Maldives ranks among world’s best destinations in Tripadvisor Travelers Awards
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Maldives has secured the 23rd spot in the prestigious Tripadvisor Travelers’ Choice Awards Best of the Best list for the World’s Top Destinati...

Wed 15. Jan 13:35 - Oaga Art Resort Debuts Moo' Ge: A Home for Creativity and Transformation
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Oaga Art Resort has unveiled Moo Ge, a groundbreaking addition to its artistic landscape. More than just a gallery, Moo Ge is a transforma...

Wed 15. Jan 13:30 - From Osaka to the Maldives: Verdy’s unforgettable Pop-Up Fuses Art, Design, and ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Celebrated Japanese artist and designer Verdy brought his distinctive creative vision to the tranquil shores of the Maldives in a pop-up expe...

Wed 15. Jan 13:25 - Wellness tourism in Maldives valued at USD 1 billion
The Edition - Maldives
Maldives has seen significant advancements in the field of wellness tourism. As per 'The Global Wellness Economy: Maldives' report publis...

Wed 15. Jan 13:20 - Centara unveils ‘The Centara Collection,’ celebrating individuality and authenticity
Travel Trade Journal - USA
Machchafushi Island Resort & Spa Maldives: Formerly Centara Grand Island Resort, Now the First International Member of The Centara Col...

Wed 15. Jan 13:15 - Chef Nino Returns to Blu at Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru ...
HospiBuz - USA
Experience unforgettable dining with Chef Nino Di Costanzo at Four Seasons Resort Maldives. Join us from February 13-19, 2025, for a culi...

Wed 15. Jan 13:10 - Sipping paradise in the Maldives: Best resorts for wine lovers
Decanter - UK
The Maldives is a dream destination for turquoise waters, powdery beaches and luxurious overwater villas. But for wine lovers it’s also an un...

Wed 15. Jan 13:05 - Rediscover Love in Every Form at The Nautilus Maldives
Salon Privé - UK
In 2025, The Nautilus Maldives, an award-winning ultra-luxury private island extends a heartfelt invitation to guests seeking a meaningful V...

Wed 15. Jan 13:00 - Niyama Private Islands Maldives unveils the first underwater Nikkei dining ...
Niyama Private Islands Maldives has launched a culinary innovation like no other, introducing the world’s first underwater Nikkei dining exp...

Tue 14. Jan 13:00 - Finolhu Baa Atoll launches art lab and teen haven in collaboration with Muza Lab
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Finolhu Baa Atoll Maldives has announced the opening of its new Art Lab and Teen Hut. These innovative spaces, conceptualised and de...
courtesy Maldives Insider - The new Art Lab and Teen Hut at Finolhu Baa Atoll Maldives

Tue 14. Jan 12:55 - Chef Joanna Artieda brings dessert masterpieces to Coco Bodu Hithi
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Coco Bodu Hithi, part of the Coco Collection, is celebrating the Year of the Snake with a showcase of bold flavours and exquisite ingredient...

Tue 14. jan 12:50 - Maldives records 12.2 percent rise in tourist arrivals, resort as top ... choice
Avas - Maldives
Statistics publicised by the Tourism Ministry have shown that 69.5 percent of tourists visiting the Maldives this year holidayed at resorts. Acc...

Tue 14. Jan 12:45 - MET Office warns more Rain amid Efforts to curb Flooding
PSM News - Maldives
Maldives Meteorological Service (MET Office) has warned that large parts of the country will experience heavy rainfall amid a fresh bad we...

Tue 14. Jan 12:40 - Immigration intercepts 56 attempting entry with false identities in 2024
Sun Online - Maldives

Maldives Immigration states they intercepted 56 foreigners who attempted to enter Maldives with false identities via air travel last year. Spe...
courtesy Sun Online - Immigration officers at Velana International Airport - (Sun Photo by Fayaz Moosa)

Tue 14. Jan 12:35 - Finolhu Baa Atoll Maldives’ New Art Lab and Teens Hut designed by ... Muza Lab
Travel News - UK
Finolhu Baa Atoll Maldives, the idyllic island playground resort renowned for its stunning natural beauty and vibrant atmosphere, is thrilled...

Tue 14. Jan 12:30 - The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands welcomes Oliver Eller as general manager
Travel Daily Media - USA
The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands announces the appointment of Oliver Eller as its new general manager. With an illustrious career sp...

Tue 14. Jan 12:25 - Top Destinations Around the World to Add to Your 2025 Travel Calendar
News18 - India
From the alpine allure of Courchevel to the serene waters of the Maldives, each location promises a unique experience tailored to the disc...

Tue 14. Jan 12:20 - Everybody should take three flights and a boat to visit this paradise island at least ...
Irish Mirror - UK
Jennifer Murray finds this perfect resort in the Maldives fit for a Bond blockbuster ... until we arrived at Kandima Resort in the Maldives.. Nes...

Tue 14. Jan 12:15 - 5 Exotic Destinations in Asia You Need to Visit Before They Disappear
Filmy Charcha - USA
Asia is full of beautiful places that everyone should see atleast once in their life ... 1. The Maldives: The Maldives is a group of islands in t...

Tue 14. Jan 12:10 - Holidaymaker's boyfriend moans after forking out £1,300-a-night
Echo-News - UK
A holidaymaker claims her boyfriend forked out £10,000 on a 'sunset villa' in the Maldives - only to get four hours of sun and more rain than...

Mon 13. jan 14:40 - Youth injured in needlefish attack
The Edition - Maldives
A youth from Raa atoll Meedhoo sustained severe injuries after being struck in the neck by a needlefish while snorkeling near Faafu atoll at...

Mon 13. Jan 14:35 - The Ritz-Carlton Maldives brings epicurean love affair for Valentines Day ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands launches its 2025 Masters of Crafts season bringing the culinary temple of Molino de Urdániz at the ...

Mon 13. Jan 14:30 - Public urged to brace for intense weather; stock up on essentials, food
Raajje - Maldives
The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has urged the public to take precautionary measures to mitigate potential damages a...

Mon 13. Jan 14:25 - Popular tourist attraction in the Maldives badly damaged
Travelnews - Switzerland
The famous shipwreck at Keyodhoo in the Vaavu Atoll, a magnet for divers and snorkellers, has been severely damaged by strong currents a...

Mon 13. Jan 14:20 - Every restaurant at the Ozen Reserve Bolifushi in Maldives serves 'fintastic' meals
Prestige online - USA
Picture-perfect private beaches and luxurious ocean-facing villas are the main draws of island resorts in the honeymoon haven Maldives. H...

Mon 13. Jan 14:15 - A Slice Of Heaven: Exploring The Magic Of Le Méridien Maldives Resort & Spa
News18 - India
My stay at Le Méridien Maldives Resort & Spa was a truly remarkable experience, one that will stay with me for a long, long time. My stay a...

Mon 13. Jan 14:10 - Lyca Radio Network & Southall Travel tie-up to giveaway 6 tickets to the Maldives
BizAsia Live - USA
Lyca Radio Network has unveiled one of the most significant competition giveaways ... win a once-in-a-lifetime luxury trip to the Maldives. ...

Sun 12. Jan 14:15 - Avani+ Fares Maldives debuts Sunset Cocktail Service aboard a ... Maldivian Boat
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Avani+ Fares Maldives, recently voted Best Dive Resort 2024 by Travel Trade Maldives invites guests to experience island life with the Amb...
courtesy VisitMaldives - Avani+ Fares Maldives debuts Sunset Cocktail Service

Sun 12. Jan 14:10 - Amilla Maldives reaches new Recognition in Sustainability ... Hospitality
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Amilla Maldives has achieved a series of significant milestones that reflect its ongoing commitment to responsible hospitality and sustainab...

Sun 12. Jan 14:05 - Pullman Maldives Maamutaa certifies Recreation Team in radical Fitness Programs...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Pullman Maldives Maamutaa is proud to announce that its Skillz recreation team has been certified in two of Radical Fitness’ signature pro...

Sun 12. Jan 14:00 - Celebrate Lunar New Year: 9 auspicious activities at Hilton Maldives Amingiri ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
As the Lunar New Year approaches, Hilton Maldives Amingiri Resort & Spa invites guests to participate in nine delightful activities througho...

Sun 12. Jan 13:55 - House partially collapses in Male’ amid adjacent construction
Maldives Voice - Maldives
A portion of the M. Lucky Haven building in Male’ City collapsed this afternoon during the construction of a neighboring building, M. Naviga...

Sun 12. Jan 13:50 - Met Office warns of an adverse weather episode from tomorrow onwards
The Press - Maldives
Maldives Meteorological Services, the Met Office has warned that the Maldives will face an adverse weather episode from 13 January onwa...
courtesy The Press - Met Office warns of an adverse weather episode

Sun 12. Jan 13:45 - JOALI Resorts Part Of The 2025 Oscar Nominee Gift Bags
Salon Privé - USA
JOALI resorts has secured its position as the premier luxury destination for the 2025 Oscar nominees. The prestigious ‘Everyone Wins’ Gift B...

Sun 12. Jan 13:40 - A Slice of Heaven: Exploring the Magic of Le Méridien Maldives Resort & Spa
News18 - India
My stay at Le Méridien Maldives Resort & Spa was a truly remarkable experience, one that will stay with me for a long, long time. From the ...

Sun 12. Jan 13:35 - 5 stunning beach destinations that give the Maldives a run for its money
Lunar white sand beaches turquoise water and tropical temperatures - it’s no wonder the Maldives is one of the world’s most desirable holida...

Sun 12. Jan 13:30 - Maldives National Championship 2024 concludes with Dhivehi Sifainge Club ...
Asian Volleyball - Thailand
Dhivehi Sifainge Club stamped their authority over the National Volleyball Championship 2024, organized by the Volleyball Association of...

Sun 12. Jan 13:25 - 15 best value holiday deals to book right now
escape - Australia
Maldives 6-Day Package ... Attention, divers. Stay at COMO Cocoa Island in the Maldives and get 10 boat dives per room. Pay from $2027 ...

Sat 11. Jan 14:35 - Anantara Kihavah unveils star-studded culinary calendar for 2025
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Anantara Kihavah invites guests to embark on an unparalleled culinary journey featuring Michelin-starred chefs, celebrity talents, and extrao...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Anantara Kihavah Maldives

Sat 11. Jan 14:30 - Festive magic at Lily Beach Resort & Spa: artistic journey with Elvira Carrasco
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Lily Beach Resort & Spa marked the festive season with a vibrant infusion of artistry, highlighted by the presence of world-renowned artist El...

Sat 11. Jan 14:25 - Over 200 tourists arrive via Bahamas cruise ship
Avas - Maldives
Over 200 tourists have arrived in the Maldives via Bahamas-registered cruise ship, Crystal Symphony. The cruise ship, carrying 212 passeng...

Sat 11. Jan 14:20 - Malé receives highest rainfall, Yellow Alert issued
One online - Maldives
The Maldives Meteorological Service (Met Office) has reported today that Malé received the highest amount of rainfall in the past 24 hours ...
courtesy One online - Highest Rainfall in Male since every Time Sofwan

Sat 11. Jan 14:15 - Bag a Maldives holiday with Beachcomber
Travel Gossip - UK
Beachcomber Tours and Adaaran Hotels are running an agent competition to win a seven-night holiday for two in the Maldives, including f...

Sat 11. Jan 14:10 - Inside The Annual Manta Retreat at InterContinental Maldives Maamunagu Resort
Country&Town House - USA
Discover majestic manta rays in the Maldives. Join the annual Manta Retreat at the InterContinental Maldives Maamunagu Resort this Marc...

Sat 11. Jan 14:05 - Penelope Cruz loses her hair dancing Azealia Banks
Ultimat Music Digital - USA
It is one of the most talked about images of recent days: Penélope Cruz dancing with her hair unkempt in a Maldives nightclub with the arch...

Fri 10. Jan 14:25 - Luxury meets serenity: Anantara Kihavah’s bespoke residence escape
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Anantara Kihavah Maldives has introduced a remarkable residence offer that redefines the essence of luxury living in the Maldives. Designe...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Anantara Kihavah Maldives Water-Villas

Fri 10. Jan 14:20 - Sundowners delivered: Avani+ Fares Maldives introduces Ambaa Adventure
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Avani+ Fares Maldives, recently named Best Dive Resort 2024 by Travel Trade Maldives, offers guests a unique opportunity to embrace isla...

Fri 10. Jan 14:15 - Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts Maldives brings Holiday cheer: spectacular end to 2024
Maldives Insider - Maldives
As the year came to a close, Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts Maldives transformed into a festive wonderland, offering guests an unforgettable C...

Fri 10. Jan 14:10 - Seven tourists who went missing while snorkeling rescued
The Edition - Maldives
Seven Chinese tourists who went missing while snorkeling near the Boamas Kandu dive site near Vaavu atoll, Fulidhoo, have been rescued ...

Fri 10. Jan 14:05 - Tourist struck by speedboat passes away
The Edition - Maldives
A 55-year-old Argentinian tourist who was struck by a speedboat while swimming near a resort in Alifu Dhaalu atoll jas paaes away today. Ac...

Fri 10. Jan 14:00 - Man who fell offboard from safari found dead
Sun Online - Maldives
MNDF, on Friday, launched a search operation for Ali Arushad, 35 years, from Noonu Hulhudhoo, who fell offboard from a safari while it was...

Fri 10. Jan 13:55 - Experience an Island of endless Firsts: Celebrate ... Valentine's Day at Kandima ...
The Tribune - USA
New Delhi [India], January 10: Kandima Maldives invites you to celebrate love in all its beautiful forms this February 2025, set against a ba...

Fri 10. Jan 13:50 - Pullman Maldives Maamutaa: A Maldivian fitness retreat
National World - USA
Set amidst 18 hectares of lush tropical flora and fauna, Pullman Maldives Maamutaa is redefining fitness in the Maldives. New for 2025, th...

Fri 10. Jan 13:45 - Kandima Maldives isn't just for honeymooners
Women's Health - USA
With incredible restaurants, endless watersports and a surprisingly lively nightlife, there’s more to the Maldives than meets the eye. For years...

Thu 09. Jan 14:35 - Celebrate the Year of the Snake in unmatched luxury at Kuda Villingili
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Kuda Villingili is set to commemorate Lunar New Year 2025 with an extraordinary celebration inspired by the grace and wisdom of the Year...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Kuda Villingili celebrate the Year of the Snake

Thu 09. Jan 14:30 - Amilla Maldives celebrates sustainability milestones with global accolades
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Amilla Maldives has reached several important milestones that underscore its dedication to sustainability and responsible hospitality. The re...

Thu 09. Jan 14:25 - Fall in love again at Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives 3rd annual Month of Love
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives has announced its third annual ‘Month of Love,’ a celebration dedicated to romance, connection, a...

Thu 09. Jan 14:20 - Unforgettable Valentine’s escapes at Milaidhoo Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
In February, Milaidhoo Maldives invites couples to experience a world of unmatched romance, where every moment is designed to celebrat...

Thu 09. Jan 14:15 - Experience ... : Celebrate Every Shade of Love This February at Kandima Maldives
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Kandima Maldives invites you to celebrate love in all its beautiful forms this February 2025, set against a backdrop of azure waters and sway...

Thu 09. Jan 14:10 - Soulmate Serenity in the South Ari Atoll this February
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Nova Maldives introduces a special series of soulful over and underwater couples’ activities for 2025. Couples are invited to embrace a uniq...

Thu 09. Jan 14:05 - SAFF Championship in July, brand new club tournament introduced
One online - Maldives
The format of the SAFF Championship, the most notable regional tournament in which the Maldives national football team competes, has ...

Thu 09. Jan 14:00 - Maldives' first TT Masters Tournament in Thoddoo
The Edition - Maldives
Maldives' first Table Tennis Masters Tournament, an international tournament, will be held in Alif Alif atoll Thohdoo in August this year. Th...

Thu 09. Jan 13:55 - Met Office issues Orange Alert over Gaafu Alifu & Gaafu Dhaalu Atolls
The Press - Maldives
Maldives Meteorological Services, the Met Office has issued an orange alert over two Atolls in the south of the country. The Orange Alert w...
courtesy Sun Online - Rough Weather in two Atolls

Thu 09. Jan 13:50 - Welcome to your ultimate all-inclusive holiday in the Maldives
The Standard - UK
For the height of indulgent relaxation or a tropical honeymoon, these awesome island hideaways in the Indian Ocean are pretty hard to be...

Thu 09. Jan 13:45 - Sun Siyam Olhuveli Maldives opens new suites with pools
Travel Gossip - UK
Sun Siyam Olhuveli Maldives has opened 40 new suites with private pools. The newly built Grand Beach Suites can accommodate up to fo...

Thu 09. Jan 13:40 - Maldives 2025: The New Rules Of Ultra-Luxury Travel For GCC Jetsetters
One Arabia - India
The Maldives has long been synonymous with unparalleled luxury but 2025 is poised to redefine what ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHN...

Thu 09. Jan 13:35 - Niyama Private Islands Maldives launches a new ... menu 6 metres below the surface
Travel Weekly - Australia
Niyama Private Islands Maldives has unveiled another world-first with a new tasting menu at its underwater restaurant Subsix that channels i...

Thu 09. Jan 13:30 - Direct flights from South Africa to Maldives in the pipeline
The South African - South Africa
Maldivian, the national airline of the Maldives plans to introduce direct flights to South Africa in the near future. Travelling to the idyllic Ma...

Wed 08. Jan 14:25 - Turn dream Maldivian escape into bonanza with The Westin Maldives Miriandhoo ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The Westin Maldives Miriandhoo Resort has introduced the Earn Eat Enjoy Bonanza, an exclusive limited-time offer that promises to transfo...
courtesy Maldives Insider - The Westin Maldives Miriandhoo Resort

Wed 08. Jan 14:20 - Celebrate Chinese New Year charm at Bandos Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Bandos Maldives invites guests to ring in the Year of the Snake with a captivating blend of cultural festivities, outdoor adventures, and gour...

Wed 08. Jan 14:15 - Niyama Private Islands brings Japanese-Peruvian haute cuisine to Subsix oceanic
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Niyama Private Islands Maldives has unveiled a new culinary innovation, introducing an exquisite tasting menu at its underwater restaurant ...

Wed 08. Jan 14:10 - Pullman Maldives Maamutaa hosts successful Fit Week
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Pullman Maldives Maamutaa has announced that its Skillz recreation team has been certified in two of Radical Fitness’ signature programs...

Wed 08. Jan 14:05 - Significant damage as Vaavu shipwreck overturns
Sun Online - Maldives
Significant damage has been recorded at one most popular tourist attractions in the Maldives, a wrecked ship in Vaavu Atoll, has overturned...

Wed 08. Jan 14:00 - Baglioni Maldives Luxury All-Inclusive Resort unveils new dining options
BW Hotelier - USA
Baglioni Maldives Luxury All-Inclusive Resort has announced a significant enhancement to its culinary offerings. The commitment to provid...

Wed 08. Jan 13:55 - Swim with 23-foot manta rays in the Maldives’ hidden paradise ...
Journee Mondiale - Estonia
In the heart of the Indian Ocean lies a hidden paradise that few have truly discovered. The Hanifaru Atoll in the Maldives is not just another...

Wed 08. Jan 13:50 - The Maldives: The Future of Climate Change
Small island states are the canaries in the coal mine. A prime example of the existential risks posed by climate change is the Maldives, a re...

Wed 08. Jan 13:45 - 2m+ foreign tourists visited Maldives in 2024, country's best result ever
SB.BY - Belarus
The Maldives has been visited by more than two million tourists this year, most of them Chinese citizens, TASS reports. The Ministry of Tou...


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Ven 07. Feb 13:25 - Nei Sun Siyam Resorts Maldive trattamenti esclusivi di coppia per un’esperienza ...
Viaggiarenews - Italia
Sun Siyam Resorts alle Maldive invita le coppie a vivere un’esperienza di benessere senza pari grazie a trattamenti wellness esclusivi da g...

Ven 07. Feb 13:20 - La bidonville delle Maldive come Taranto
Buonasera24 - Italia
Sembra sabbia. Ma è spazzatura. Thilafushi è sette chilometri a ovest di Male, è una striscia, sottile: è lunga 3,5 chilometri e larga 200 me...

Gio 06. Feb 13:55 - Maldive e Thailandia: dove vanno in vacanza gli svizzeri
tio 20min - Svizzera
Le agenzie turistiche confermano la tendenza verso destinazioni tropicali ... Una vacanza alle Maldive può risultare più economica di una ...

Mer 05. Feb 14:10 - Benessere in coppia nei Sun Siyam Resorts alle Maldive ... come Adamo ed Eva
TurismoItaliaNews - Italia
Partiamo subito con il dire che alla Spa Veyo, celata tra la folta vegetazione di Siyam World, si può provare Adam & Eve Package, un per...

Mar 04. Feb 13:50 - I resort firmati Atmosphere Core celebrano l’amore 365 giorni all’anno
Italiavola - Italia
Perfetti per festeggiare il giorno di San Valentino ... i resort firmati Atmosphere Core, disseminati negli atolli più suggestivi delle Maldive, ...

Mar 04. Feb 13:45 - Travel World Escape svela alle agenzie le sue Maldive con un fam trip
TTG Italia - Italia
Alla scoperta delle Maldive con Travel World Escape. Il tour operator organizza un fam trip per mostrare alle agenzie di viaggi l’offerta sull...

Mar 04. Feb 13:40 - Un fam trip alle Maldive per Travel World Escape
T&A ADV Training - Italia
Travel World Escape propone un’esperienza unica alle Maldive per gli agenti di viaggio. Il Fam Trip, in programma dal 6 al 13 maggio, si...

Lun 03. Feb 14:40 - Qual è il più bel atollo delle Maldive?
conosci Milano - Italia
Le Maldive rappresentano da decenni l’immagine ideale del paradiso terrestre: acque cristalline, sabbie bianche e una biodiversità straord...

Dom 02. Feb 13:10 - BeOnd, parla il CEO: 'Problemi risolti, saremo più puntuali'. Il Milano-Malé ...
The Flight Club - Italia
Cancellazioni e ritardi anche di ore ... BeOnd, la compagnia all-Business che dallo scorso luglio collega Italia e Maldive? Dopo le segnala...

Sab 01. Feb 14:00 - La spiaggia più bianca d’Italia, sembra di essere alle Maldive
La voglia di mare ... E non serve andare alle Maldive o alle Seychelles per trovare spiagge di questo tipo, perché anche le nostre coste pre...

Gio 30. Gen 12:50 - Made in Italy, il prosecco di Bottega sbarca nei resort delle Maldive
Treviso Today - Italia
Atmosphere Core ... Questa partnership innovativa si propone di dare una nuova connotazione al comparto dell’hospitality delle Maldive, i...

Mer 29. Gen 12:35 - I migliori paesi da visitare a febbraio: mete per un viaggio indimenticabile
Milano Sportiva - Italia
Febbraio è il mese perfetto ... Maldive: un paradiso tropicale: Le Maldive sono la destinazione ideale per chi cerca una fuga romantica o u...

Mar 28. Gen 13:00 - Le migliori destinazioni Club Med per una ‘Me Moon’ da sogno
Travelnostop - Canada
Mentre San Valentino celebra l’amore di coppia ... Ritrovare l’equilibrio con il mare: yoga all’alba alle Maldive. Le acque cristalline delle ...

Lun 27. Gen 13:55 - Quanto costa in media una vacanza alle Maldive?
Belle e in salute - Italia
Le Maldive rappresentano una delle destinazioni più ambite al mondo per chi sogna spiagge bianche, acque cristalline e un paradiso nat...

Sab 25. Gen 16:15 - SAMANA Developers ed ELIE SAAB ridefiniscono il lusso maldiviano ...
SAMANA Developers, la rinomata società immobiliare con sede a Dubai, ha unito le forze con il marchio globale di lusso ELIE SAAB per s...

Ven 24. Gen 12:30 - Maldive: Manta World To introduce la polizza Revo contro i giorni di maltempo
Travel Quotidiano - Italia
Una soluzione ... contro i disagi causati dall’ eventuale pioggia durante il soggiorno alle Maldive in alta stagione. L’operatore capitolino sp...

Gio 23. Gen 13:50 - Maldive, una nuova esclusiva per l’Italia da Idee per viaggiare
askanews - Italia
Lily Beach Resort & SPA sull’atollo di Ari Sud. Idee per viaggiare, tour operator italiano specializzato nel lungo raggio e nei viaggi 'su mis...

Mer 22. Gen 13:00 - Meraviglie nelle profondità dei mari: i vincitori dell’Ocean Art UW Photo Contest
Corriere - Italia
La prestigiosa competizione subacquea Ocean Art Underwater ha reso noti i fotografi e le opere ... Uno dei miei posti preferiti alle Maldive...

Mar 21. Gen 12:55 - Visit Maldives illumina Berlino con una campagna outdoor in vista dell'ITB 2025
Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/Visit Maldives) presenta con orgoglio un'ambiziosa campagna promozional...
courtesy Sun Online - MMPRC announces large-scale outdoor tourism promotional activity in Germany ahead of ITB Berlin 2025 - (Photo by Visit Maldives)

Mar 21. Gen 12:50 - Viaggi tra i continenti:così la libellula giramondoe l'anguilla si riproducono
In questi giorni ... La libellula giramondo è in grado di spostarsi dall’India all’Africa, utilizzando come luogo di ristoro le Maldive. Dopo ave...

Lun 20. Gen 14:00 - Le guardie costiere dello Sri Lanka e delle Maldive rafforzano le capacità ...
ESG Data - Italia
Dieci (10) ufficiali dello Sri Lanka ... insieme ai partecipanti della guardia costiera delle Maldive e dell'Agenzia per la protezione dell'amb...

Sab 18. Gen 13:15 - Mariasole Pollio in vacanza alle Maldive, ecco cosa ha messo in valigia
Look da VIP - Italia
Le prossime settimane saranno impegnative e piene di emozioni per Mariasole Pollio ... good vibes in vacanza alle Maldive. Al ritorno la ...

Sab 18. Gen 13:10 - Chi era Patrizia Crisolini Malatesta, una vita in viaggio prima della tragedia a Cuba ...
Notizie - Italia
Un viaggio dove l’acqua è il denominatore comune ... Patrizia Crisolini Malatesta sarebbe dovuta ripartire alla volta delle Maldive ad april...

Ven 17. Gen 13:45 - Padel e Maldive: sport e paradiso tropicale si uniscono
Corriere dello Sport - Italia
Padel e Maldive, un nuovo interessante connubio che vedrà la luce la prossima estate. Le Maldive, sinonimo di spiagge bianche e mare c...

Gio 16. Gen 12:55 - Squali, meravigliose creature
RSI - Svizzera
Squali assassini a caccia di umani? Niente di più irrazionale e sbagliato ... incentrate sulle specie di squali delle Maldive e dell’Oceano In...

Mer 15. Gen 12:55 - Damiano Carrara e Chiara Maggenti, la prima vacanza con la figlia
Mediaset - Italia
Damiano Carrara e Chiara Maggenti condividono le dolci immagini della loro prima vacanza alle Maldive con la piccola Dafne. Damiano...

Mar 14. Gen 12:05 - Viaggi di migliaia di chilometri: ...
Corriere della Sera - Italia
Si spostano attraverso continenti e oceani aiutati dalla natura ... Ma perché un insetto sceglie le Maldive come punto di sosta? La risposta r...

Lun 13. Gen 14:05 - Maldive, esclusiva Lily Beach Resort con Idee per Viaggiare
L'Age4nzia di Viaggi - Italia
Nuova struttura alle Maldive per Idee per Viaggiare. È il cinque stelle Lily Beach Resort & Spa sull’isola di Huvahendhoo, nell’atollo di Ari ...

Dom 12. Gen 13:20 - Arte alle Maldive, il Joali resort ospita le opere di Sophie Kitching
exibart - Spagna
Maison Ruinart porta l’arte contemporanea nell’esclusivo resort Joali: Sophie Kitching reinterpreta il packaging dello champagne, richiama...

Sab 11. Gen 14:00 - Padel alle Maldive: un torneo tra sport e paradiso tropicale
Tuttosport - Italia
Le Maldive, sinonimo di spiagge bianche e mare cristallino, si preparano a diventare il palcoscenico di un evento sportivo unico. Dal 10 al ...

Ven 10. Gen 13:40 - Cucina sostenibile alle Maldive al nuovo Seb’s Farm a Raaya by Atmosphere
Italia Vola - Italia
Seb’s Farm è un ristorante che celebra la cucina sostenibile con ingredienti freschi e locali. Immerso nella natura di Raaya by Atmosphere, ...

Ven 10. Gen 13:35 - Il paradiso tropicale dell’arte: Maison Ruinart alle Maldive con l’artista S. Kitching
ArtsLife - Canada
Dal 1896, quando commissionò al celebre artista Alfons Mucha ... E oggi, continuando nel segno del lusso, arriva alle Maldive. JOALI Mal...

Ven 10. Gen 13:30 - Mare cristallino ma non solo: alle Maldive si gioca anche a padel
L'Eco di Bergamo
Un tuffo nelle acque cristalline delle Maldive dopo aver giocato un match di padel: sogno o realta? Se questo è il vostro sport e amate le ...

Gio 09. Gen 13:25 - The Residence Maldives: un San Valentino da sogno
Viaggiare News - USA
The Residence Maldives lussuoso resort maldiviano, permette di celebrare l’amore in uno degli angoli più belli e incontaminati del mondo...

Gio 09. Gen 13:20 - Piccoli 'fagotti' di vita ricrescono anche sui coralli sbiancati: è lo sforzo del mare ...
Corriere della Sera - Italia
Piccoli 'fagotti' di vita ricrescono anche sui coralli sbiancati ... il colore che lo caratterizza. Lo scorso aprile 2024 alle Maldive, durante la st...

Mer 08. Gen 13:40 - JOALI Maldives x Maison Ruinart: il primo resort di arte immersiva delle Maldive
Montenapo Daily - Italia
JOALI Maldives, il primo e unico resort di arte immersiva delle Maldive, ha scelto Maison Ruinart per presentare la collaborazione con l’arti...

Mer 08. Gen 13:35 - Ad Artemare Club il reportage di un Cavaliere del Mare delle Maldive da proteggere
Maremma News - Italia
Si, da mercoledì 8 gennaio ad Artemare Club il bellissimo reportage di foto e filmato delle Maldive da proteggere del Cavaliere del Mare ...


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